The Doctor Who Fandom

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Ok. Rant time.

Here's some context if you aren't involved in the Doctor Who fandom at the moment: Ever since the new doctor was revealed to be Jodie Whittaker, a woman, people have been flipping out. Some people, upon hearing the news, gave up on the show entirely, people are saying that the BBC killed the show, etc. Some of the Pro Jodie people attacked Peter Davidson on twitter for expressing doubts on the casting choice, eventually leading to him closing down his twitter. There's people getting into comment wars on almost every YouTube video related to Doctor Who, and there's just a ton of drama right now.

Me personally, I don't see the problem with Doctor 13 being female, and am mostly just curious as to how it will play out, but that's just my opinion. I'm not going to hate you if you don't support Jodie. Wanna know why?

Because it's just a TV show.

People are getting way too worked up over this, and I'm sick of seeing people debating on every single relevant social media post over a TV show.

Yes, I am aware that many TV shows today have political messages, yes I am aware that almost all of them are on the liberal side of the political spectrum, yes, I am aware that this casting choice may have been influenced by this trend.

But even if the writing is politically influenced, it is still just a TV show, and I wish people would just calm down already.

The 13th doctor reveal trailer came out a month ago. Anyone who cares to has expressed their opinion already. Everyone has gotten their point across. At this point, there is nothing else to talk about pertaining to that. No other trailers or pictures. They haven't even begun filming the next season yet. (And no, we still do not know who the companion is. The mirror was absolutely certain Doctor 13 would be Kris Marshall. They were wrong there, they are probably wrong about the companion.) Can we just move on already?

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