Dreams + Stupid People

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So hey peeps. I have several semi-noteworthy things that happened recently, and I'm stuck in my room right now because we're getting a new fridge and dishwasher put in, and I have to stay up here with my dog so he doesn't bite the workers. So, writing times away! (I don't know what that means)

So, first thing, I had an audition and did good! And got it! Woo!

I have a lot of district-required testing this week, and they give us way too long of a timespan to do it in. When I finish I just have to sit there for 1-1.5 hours, and I'm not even a fast test-taker or anything. Yesterday, when I finished, my mind started thinking about the people who believe the world is flat. So, I googled their reasoning, and spent the remaining 45 minutes of the testing window trying not to laugh.

I had a couple more strange dreams recently. In one, I was riding my bike up my street, and my Spanish teacher was riding his ahead of me, and he crashed into someone's yard. I went over to see if he was OK, and some kids, around 11 or 12, saw him and laughed at him. Then I started yelling at the kids, and while I was getting really fired up, one of them stole my bike and rode away. The other dream was strait out of Doctor Who. I was trapped in my house with around 5 other random people, and there was this creature that looked sort of like this guy from Kirby's Epic Yarn, except he was bigger, black and gray, and was not made of yarn:

 I was trapped in my house with around 5 other random people, and there was this creature that looked sort of like this guy from Kirby's Epic Yarn, except he was bigger, black and gray, and was not made of yarn:

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

This dude would find a random person at a random time, and would say this creepy 4-line rhyme that varied from person to person, and then the person would just die. I don't know how. And the rhyme would always start with the phrase "Too long until summer". Don't ask me what that means. Eventually, he'd killed all the other people, and I just locked myself in my room. He flew through the door and said the rhyme, and then everything faded to black as he finished. And then I woke up at 4:30 AM and couldn't get back to sleep.

That's pretty much it.

RandomWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt