04. Going Under.

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            Cam watched Nat strum down on the strings of his guitar and she smiled. He looked back up at her and smiled back, She's a wave and she is breaking; She's a problem to solve; and in that circle she's making; I will always revolve.” he sang and Cam blushed, her face muscles not able to relax from smiling. And on her sight; These eyes depend; Invisible and Indivisible.”

            They were lying on the couch on opposite sides and they decided the X-Men movie was getting boring, and Nat brought his guitar over, so they figured they’d see how he was doing since he only started playing six months ago.

            “I’m not really finished with it,” he said. “I just got those two parts worked out before I came here.”

            “It’s okay,” she said. “Those record guys will love it, once you finish it, I'm sure.”

            Cam watched Nat bite on his lower lip and her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. He hesitated, then opened his mouth, “Cam, I have to tell you something.”

            “What is it?” she asked, anxious to hear what he has to say. He looked nervous.

            “KC’s cousin's record producer loved the track. He signed us,” he said and Cam felt excited.

            “What?” she asked, her excitement in her voice. She leaned up and reached out to hugged him. “That’s so great, Nat! You’re going to be famous!”

            He chuckled, but it sounded like it was forced. “Well, this record place isn’t that big like the others, so we’ll have to write a hit song to make it.”

            “That will be a piece of cake for you, Nat,” she said and kissed him. “You’re going to be a rock star, this is great. You’re going to live your dream.”

            “Yeah, I know,” he said and Cam heard the little bummed out voice. She looked at him and when she was about to ask what’s wrong, he spoke, “I’m leaving next week,” he said and her face dropped in shock—not good shock.


            “And I’m going to be gone for a couple of months, the band has to finish writing the label then we have to record it. We also have to do some interviews since we’re young and people are already wondering how we’re going to turn out and see if we fail or not, so we can’t have our mind worrying about family and friends stuff,” he said.

            Cam couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She was excited for Nat, don’t get her wrong. She was more than happy for him, but he was leaving her to soon. She knew he’d have to leave, but how long were a couple of months? She thought it might be a few weeks, not a few months before she would get to see him again.

            She was going to miss him so much.

            She leaned back in her spot and Nat gave her an apologetic look. “I wanted to tell you since two weeks ago, but it was so hard to figure out how to tell you.”

            “So… you decided to tell me now?” she asked. “To know I only have a week left with you?”

            “Cam, I’m sorry, but it’s not like I’m talking about forever,” he said. “I’ll be back before you know it. You do want me to go, right?”

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