14. That Should Be Me.

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            Cam and Kim was leaning against Chris’s car at the studio. Everyone else was here also since they all needed to meet us so they can go together and make sure they have everything they need to food, drinks, stuff for a camp fire, music, stuff for the lake, and anything else.

            And they were waiting for Nat. Cam was a little bummed out about having Nat come along since she doesn’t really want her ex to come along with her when she wants to be with Seth. Knowing Nat, he was jealous the other day and probably do something to keep them apart.

            But she just kept reminding herself it’s just one night. She should stop freaking out over something stupid like this. She’ll be busy with her friends to be with worrying about Nat. She’ll show him how good she’s doing without him.

            Two hands went on Cam’s waist and she squealed, jumping also. She turned around and saw Seth. He gave her his charming dazzling wide smile, “Sorry, thought you felt me coming.”,

            Her cheeks blushed up, but she waved to him like it was nothing, “Oh, it’s okay. So glad your coming.”, she said, brushing her hair behind her ears and she noticed Kim left her side when she turned her head back before turning back to Seth.

            “Well, I just thought since we weren’t going to go to the movies tonight, camping sounds better.”, he said. He leaned down on the car on his right hand, “You know something I just realized? I forgot my pillow and blanket at home.”, he said, sounding bummed out.

            “Oh, I’m sure Chris can make—oh!”, she said, realizing his hint and her cheeks burned up. Her embarrassing giggle escaped her mouth, but she cut herself off, “I think I’ll be able to share mine.”,

            He chuckled, “Hope we’ll be able to fit.”, he flirted.

            Her tongue felt suddenly thick and heavy from nervousness, but she manage to say, “I’m sure we’ll fit.”, she said, flirting back.


            “So tell me why I have to go?”, Kyle asked as him and Nat walked to the studio they are suppose to meet at.

            “Because man, you’ll be able to distract that dickhead name Seth from the ice cream shop with the blonde hair while so I’ll be with Cam.”, he said.

            “Man, I don’t think that’ll be a good idea. You trying to seduce Cam into taking you back is going to blow up in you face.”, he said.

            Nat scuffed, “I know what I’m doing, Kyle. You just do what your told. Hey, maybe you talk to her friend, Kim. Warn you though, her boyfriend will be there.”,

            Kyle smacked his teeth, “Like I’m afraid of that fag. He wants to start something, okay. But I’ll bet I’ll be able to get Kimmy alone and make her night worth wild. Know what it’s like to be touched by a real man.”,

            They were chuckling when they came up to the studio and about five cars where around with nine people chatting with each other. Nat looked around for Cam and he grimaced up in anger and jealousy when he saw her talking to that blonde boy, Seth.

            “Eh, if I do anything stupid tonight, make sure you drag my ass tonight back to LA quickly.”, Nat said to Kyle who just chuckled and nodded.

            Nat felt everyone gaze turn to them and things went quiet. He pushed his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose and felt awkward again. He use to the screaming crowd, not the quite one. He grew up with these people and he ignored them all. They weren’t gazing at them both in amazement, but ‘Oh, why are they here? We suddenly worth to know again?’, kind of look. Pretty much, they didn’t look happy.

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