Sirentale! Sans x Reader

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A/N: I have been doing a lot of Sans x readers. Anyone have a papyrus x reader idea? I dont guarantee I will be able to do them but ideas would be helpful. Not to mention I'm fighting writers block. Also this is more itteracting than lovey dovey so, ya. 

You lived by the ocean and swam almost everyday. You would go to every beach party there was. You would read stories about pirates and mythical sea creatures. Crackens, mermaid, sirens

There was a secret cove you would visit when you wanted to be alone. It was a soothing place to be. You heard that close to the shore you lived at was a secret place where sirens would live. 

You had always been interested in them to. They way they sing mostly. Everytime you were alone or in the cove which had echoes to make your voice sound more mystical, you would sing. 

Sure you weren't the best singer at first when you were young, but after doing it so many times you had the voice of an angel. Little did you know ever since you were little, your voice attracted a mystical creatures attention. 

You went out to the cove with some scuba gear. You know it isn't safe to do it alone but you have a alarm to press to let your parents know your in trouble. You put on the gear and go into the water. 

You swim down looking around at the colorful fish. You can name almost all of them. You swim a little deeper when you see colors you haven't seen before. Neon blue and white. 

It went behind a rock. You swim down to the rock and peek around it. You jump because you see the flash of what you think is a human skeleton. You quickly swim back up, frightened. 

You take off the gear on the beach of the cove and sit in the sand, breathing heavily. You analyze what you saw in your mind. You saw a human skeleton, but it was white. Whiter than normal. It was moving. What? 

You were more confused than frightened now. Maybe it was a prank. You went back home and went on your computer. You looked up 'swimming white skeleton'. You found that there are skeleton sirens. 

That would explain the neon blue. You grew excited. However, over the past two months you got no sign of the skeleton. You were attending a night beach party.

Some of your friends got you to sing one song during it. Everyone loved your voice. Little did you know a certain skeleton siren was watching from the far waters. 

He sighed dreamily as he watched you sing and sway in your (f/c) Hawaiian dress. A bright (f/c) flower in your hair. Once day he would show himself to you. 

A week later you were at the cove at night. The stars were very bright during the time. You began to sing a song with a soft enchanting melody. Your voice echoed through the walls of the cove. 

It was a song you have sung many times before. Just as you were about to finish a verse a deep, soothing, drawing voice finished the last word with you. You pause and look around. No one was in sight. 

You start the next lines and the voice joins in, creating a hauntingly beautiful duet. You can't pin point the male singer because of the echo. You stayed sitting in the sand looking around behind you as you finished the song. 

You looked in front of you again to see a skeleton like the one from before. You are a little startled but continue to look at him. "Hello." You say softly, unsure how to react. 

"Hi." He replys still looking at you. You both are quiet for a moment. "Are you a...siren?" You ask. "Yup. My name is Sans, Sans the siren." He greets. "(Y/n), the human." You say in a questioning tone. 

You both chuckle. "Were you the one I saw two months ago?" You asked. "Ya, sorry for startling you." He apologizes, one hand rubbing the back of his skull. "It's ok." You say.

You get a little closer to the water, then pause. Aren't sirens supposed to lure in people and drown them. "You aren't...going to kill me right?" You ask. Sans eyes widen and he shakes his head. 

"No! I know we are able to do that but I wouldn't do that to you." He says. "You aren't going to stab me with a spear, are you?" He asks. Now it's your turn to shake your head. 

"Why in the world would I do that?" You say. After a moment of silence you speak up. "You don't mind if know...swim around, with you?" You ask awkwardly. 

"Nope, it's not my waters so your cool." He says. "Good." Your reply and stand up. You already wearing a tight swim top and short tight swim shorts. You walk into the water until its up to your waist. 

Sans swims circles around you. You get to see his tail now. "Wow, you..your so amazing." You say in awe. "You don't look half bad yourself." He winks. You blush and splash a little water at him. You both swim and chase each other. 

"No fair, your so fast!" You whine. "I got a tail sweetheart." He says. You go back onto the beach and grab your fins out of your backpack. (If you don't know what it is, it's like shoes with long fins, look it up.) 

You dive back in, becoming faster, but not enough to keep up with Sans. You deal with it anyway. The both of you play around until you get tired. "Hey Sans, can I, um, touch your fin?" You ask awkwardly. 

"Unless it's like a thing, I'm, not supposed to do." You say quickly. He nods. "It's fine." He says. You gently feel his tail fins, admiring how smooth they are. You only do this for a minute before going back onto the beach and lay on your towel. 

Sans swims all the way up to the edge of the water and crosses his arms, resting his head on them. "Sans, if I leave, will you come back tomorrow?" You ask. "Yes, but only at night. I don't want to risk anyone else seeing me." He says. 

"Why did you let me see you?" You ask. He pauses, a small blue hue on his face. "I don't know, you just seemed, special to me." He says. "I was there ever since you started to visit this cove. That kinda sounded creepy." He says looking away. 

"Wait, does that mean you heard me sing when I was younger?" You asked. He nods smirking. You grone and hide your face. "I was so bad then." You whine. " weren't the best." He smirks. 

You playfully glare at him. "Your voice has improved. I would mistake you for a siren." He says. You blush and mutter a thanks. You the get a text from your mom telling you to come home. 

"Sorry Sans, I gotta go." You say sadly. "Promise you will meet me tomorrow night?" You ask. "Promise." Sans says. You gather up your stuff and wave goodbye. 

Over the past months you and Sans have grown really close. You were now girlfriend and boyfriend. It was tough but you made it work. You soon built a house by the cove. 

To your suprise when you came home you saw a man. Your first instinct was to grab a frying pan but when he turned and saw you, he put his hands up. "Whoa hey, sweetheart. It's me Sans." He says. 

"Sans? But, your human?" You ask. "Yup, but only for ten hours at a time. So, suprise?" He says. You run over and hugged him. "I'm so happy." You say. Sans kisses you lovingly. You kiss back melting into it. From then on you both lived by the cove.

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