Underswap! Papyrus x Timid! Injured! Reader

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You and Papyrus have been together for a year. He was laid back and sweet and you were shy and cute. Papyrus loved to tease you all the time due to your shy nature but he knew when to stop. 

Papyrus loved you so very much, you knew he would do anything for you. However, you knew if you had any injury he would do whatever it cost to get you healed. 

You were scared, you had gashes on your arm and sprained your ankle, you also had long gashes on your lower back. They weren't deep though. You were pressed against the corner of the bedroom.

Papyrus came home, you could tell because he called out for you. You didn't answer. You heard Papyrus come upstairs. The door opened slowly. "(Y/n)?" His soft voice rang. 

He walked in and saw you in the corner, shaking and holding your bleeding arm. "(Y/n)!" He took a quick step forwards but you panicked. "NO! N..no, don't g..get a..any closer!" You pleaded. 

Papyrus didn't move. He saw how shaken up you were. If he got closer you would panic harshly and cause more damage towards yourself. Papyrus held his hands up and kneeled down. "Alright sweetling, it's ok." Papyrus says. You shiver violently. 

"It looks like your arm is bleeding badly and your ankle is twisted a little." Papyrus observes. "Com'ere sweetie. I'll fix ya up." Papyrus coaxes. You shake your head and look at him in fear. 

"It's ok sweetheart." Papyrus coos. Your shivering continues and you don't budge. "It's alright sweetheart, com'ere baby." Papyrus continues to coax. 

It takes a long while before he can get you to budge. You soon inch your way to him slowly. "That's it sweetie. It's ok." He coaxes. Soon he is able to gently scoop you up into his lap. You shiver and cry, burying your face into his hoodie. 

Papyrus rubbed your back, trying to sooth you. He casted healing magic on your bleeding arm too. "It's ok sweetie." Papyrus coos. He picks you up and carries you too the bed. 

"Alright sweetling. I'm gonna sit you down." Papyrus says. You allow him but continue to whimper. He looks at your arm then back, seeing no veins were cut. Papyrus sighed in a bit of relief. 

Papyrus went and grabbed a large medical kit. He sat on the edge of the bed and brushed his hand over your forehead. "How did this happen sweetheart?" He asks, getting some disinfectant from the kit. 

"I..I was c..coming back f..from Asgores, when I decided to run, a..and I slipped and skidded over some t..tree branches." You say with a few sniffles. "You need to be more careful." Papyrus says gently. 

"I..I know." You sob. "Hey, don't cry, it was just an accident." Papyrus soothes. "Alright, this is gonna sting a little." Papyrus says. He lifts your shirt a little to see he wounds on your back. He gently places the cloth on your back and you flinch and whimper. 

Papyrus gently wipes the blood away and uses the disinfectant. You whine and squeeze your eyes shut. "It's ok sweetling." Papyrus says. Once he finishes he wraps your lower torso up in white bandages. 

"Alright sweetie, lay down." Papyrus says softly. He gently lays you on your back. He then tends to your arm. You whine again and flinch. "It's alright, I know it hurts a little." Papyrus says. 

Once he finishes he moves to your ankle. Just before he could touch it you pulled your leg away. "Sweetie, please let me help you. I know it hurts but I just want to make sure your all patched up." Papyrus says gently. 

You begin to shake again as you slowly slide your foot back to him. Papyrus gently put his hands on your ankle and pressed softly. You whine and begin to cry. Papyrus tries to position your foot back into a proper spot. 

You yelp loudly and shiver violently. Your crying got worse. "P..P..Papyyy..." You cry. "Sweetling, sweetie, relax. It's ok. It will hurt less if you calm down." Papyrus says. He gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead and goes back to fixing up your ankle. 

Papyrus wraps it up in a brace and puts up the medical kit. He comes back to see the exhausted and worn out state you were in. Papyrus picked you up and moved the blankets with his magic. 

He then laid you down and got into bed with you. You made small grumble sounds before weakly snuggling up to Papyrus. You body was still trembling a little due to your stressed state. 

Papyrus held you close and rubbed your back in slow, soothing motions. He then began to whisper sweet nothings softly to you. The deep rumble of his voice calmed you fiery nerves. 

Your trembling stopped and your breathing slowed. Papyrus pressed the occasional long, sweet kiss to your head until you fell asleep. 

The next morning Papyrus woke up before you. He went downstairs and got you some breakfast on a tray. Papyrus then walked upstairs and set the tray on the beside table. 

"Sweetie, time to wake up." You groaned and mumbled a little. Papyrus rubbed your back in a waking motion. You groaned again and yawned cutely. "You need breakfast." Papyrus says. 

You stretch but feel a pain in your ankle. You yelp. "Careful honey, your still injured." He says. You sit up and rub your eyes. Papyrus sets the tray on your lap. 

"I'm not that crippled." You huff. "Aw, but I thought Id be nice." Papyrus coos. You huff and blush. "Th..thanks." You say. Papyrus turns on the TV and sits in bed next to you. 

When you finish you cuddle up to Papyrus. He cuddles you as you both watch TV. He has treated you so well and you can tell he loves you. 

It's been a week and ahalf and now you were going to try to walk. "Alright sweetheart, try to stand up." Papyrus says, holding your hand. You do but are rather wobbly. 

You grip onto Papyrus's hand and steady yourself. You take a few steps slowly. It aches a little but you think you got the hang of it. Papyrus helped you walk around the house till you could do it yourself. 

After walking around and eating for a while you went  to your room. You laid down, sitting up slightly. Papyrus was unwrappingg your ankle gently. "Tell me if anything hurts ok?" Papyrus says softly you nod. 

Papyrus puts gentle a pressure on different spots on your ankle. He then pressed on a certian spot at you yelped, shivering. Papyrus's hands began to glow green, using healing magic. 

"It's ok." Papyrus whispers. You relax and let Papyrus do his thing. Your ankle felt warm and slightly numb, it was a good feeling. Papyrus finished and wrapped your ankle back up. 

He gets up and gets into bed next to you, cuddling you. You lay your head on his chest. Papyrus begins rubbing your back soothingly and turns on the TV. He was the best boyfriend ever. 

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