Horrortale Sans x Scared! Reader

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You were a timid person most of the time. That's why in this situation, you were shaking like a leaf. Frisk had reset again and you ended up in what seemed like a pacifist future run where only Frisk escaped. 

(Thats what i get from the story the creators told.) Everything was run down. Flowy had one freaking eye and Toriel looked like she could snap at any moment. You managed to get to the snowy area. 

You learned that Frisk did escape on their own. Asgore was dead and the monsters lost hope. It has been three years since then and everyone began to slowly loose it. 

You just wanted to find Sans. He was your boyfriend after all. You guys were friends for a year before you started dating. You guys dated for eight months before the reset. 

You stood at the bridge and waited. No sign of Sans. You continued on till you found Papyrus. Accept he didn't look to good. His teeth were all cracked, he was taller and lengthier. 

You decided to avoid him. As you continued on you heard tapping. You walked towards it to see...Sans! As soon as you were happy, you were scared. Sans had a large crack in his skull, he has one red glowing eye and red on his teeth. 

You slowly approach. He notices you. "S..Sans?" You ask softly. "Hey kid. How do ya know my name?" He asks sinisterly. "Sans, it's me...you don't remember." You mumble the last part. 

"I've never seen you before." He says. You try not to tear up at the words. "O..oh, uh, I must be thinking of a different Sans." You say quietly. "Ya look hungry kid. Want a hot dog?" He asks. 

You smile, completely falling for his trick. You nod. He pulls one out and beckons you closer. You go over to him, oblivious. Suddenly he grabs your arm and pins it down to the table, pulling out a meat cleaver. 

Your face shows pure horror. You squeeze your eyes closed and shake. Sans stops mid swing. He looks at your face. Something in his soul was telling him to stop. He lowered the cleaver and let you go. "You better be careful kid. Don't trust us." He says. 

With that, you run. You find a place to hide and begin to cry. The one you loved and loved you back, has forgot about you and is possibly out to kill you. You wanted your old Sans back. 

You want him to hug you and tell you everything is ok. However you can't do that, or can you. You have to reset. You pull up the button and reset. 

Everything was the same. You reset over and over but nothing changed. You decided to continue on. Sans ended up chasing you with his cleaver for some reason. Ever since you started to reset he tried to strike you with his cleaver. 

You made it to waterfall, avoiding monsters the best you could. Suddenly there was a growl. You turned around and saw a horrifying version of Undyne. You screamed and ran. She chased you. 

You ran as fast as you could but just before you could make it to hotland you tripped. Undyne slashed at you left and right. Your blood splattered on the ground. You were in to much shock to feel anything. 

Suddenly Undyne was hit with a meat cleaver. She screeched and ran off. It was silent, other than your ragged breaths. Sans stood over you, looking down at your bloodied form. A pang of urgency and worry washed over him. 

Sans P.O.V 

Why is that stupid human so familiar? I growled to myself. She began to reset, just like the other human who escaped did. I can't even remember their name. After they escaped everything went down the drain. 

I chased the human, trying to slash them. It made me so mad to see them walking around en reseting. 

I was at my post in hotland when I heard a scream. I teleport off to find that girl getting mulled by Undyne. I swung my cleaver at her until she ran off. I looked down at the shaking, bloodied girl. 

I felt worry and urgency to help, but I don't know why. I thought hard and looked at her. She had her eyes closed now, slowly drifting off. She died and I felt the world begin to reset. 

Then it hit me. (Y/n), this was my beloved girlfriend, (y/n). 

Author's P.O.V 

You sat up, gasping. You had died. You sat there for a moment, then continued on. You were scared of Sans. You lost all the trust you had gained before with him. You made it into snowdin town. 

Unexpectedly though, a dog monster had found you and began to try and attack you. It slashed your arm and knocked you over. Your head hit some ice and you passed out. 

Sans, having followed you, slashed the dog and it ran away whining. He looked down at you in worry. Since the last reset, he has been anxiously waiting for you. All the memories you guys shared came back to him. 

Sans carried you into his and Papyrus's home and laid you on the couch. Sans went to got get medical supplies. When he got back, you were awake and holding your head, looking around. 

When you spotted him you froze. You began to shake. He looks at you sadly. "(Y/n), it's ok, it's just me." Sans says. You don't stop shaking. Sans approached slowly. You backed up all the way to the end of the couch. 

"(Y/n), I..I'm sorry, I..I couldn't remember. I'm so sorry. You were gone for three years. My heart ached so bad that I had no choice but to forget you, that was stupid of me. I'm sorry." Sans says, red tears in his eyes. 

You calm down a little. Sans approached you fully. Tears filled your eyes as well. "Will you let me take care of your wound?" He asks softly. You sniffle and nod. Sans takes out the stuff needed and begins to clean it very gently. 

You begin to relax more, and close your eyes. After Sans finishes, he sits on the other side of the couch. You and Sans look at each other for a moment. Sans opens his arms a little, as if shyly wanting a hug. 

You tear up more and throw yourself at him. This knocks Sans on his back. You cling to him and begin to sob. Sans held you close and tight. Giving a long kiss to the top of your head. You grip onto him like he was going to disappear. 

Sans cries a little as well. You both hold onto each other, saying 'I love you' over and over. 

It has been a month since that day. Sans was still a little...murdery...but that's because those three years did something to him. He lost his marbles but you found half and gave them back. 

Sans was very protective of you. He would barley let you out of the house. You could understand though. It was crazy out there. You normally spent your days on the couch, wrapped up in a thick fluffy blanket, watching anime. 

Sans would go to the dump and find new movies for you or books. Even found some audio books. He took very good care of you. Right now your stomach was growling. You were in a loose t-shirt and short shorts. (Like usual in these stories) 

You groaned. You didn't feel like making spaghetti. Suddenly, you heard the lock opening, then the door. "(Y/n)." It was Sans. You sat up and looked over the couch like a puppy. Sans almost gushed at your cuteness.

You smelled fries. "Hehe, you seem excited." He chuckles. As if on cue, your stomach growles. Sans smiles and hands you the bag of fries. You eat them, humming happily. Sans sets down his cleaver and sits on the couch. 

He noticed what you were wearing and blushed. Halfway through eating the fries you noticed him staring. You smirked, a fry between your teeth. You slowly crawled over to him. His blush grew. 

He ended up on his back with you over him. He smirks and bites the other half of the fry. You both begin to kiss. This was like a fast food version of pocky. You both pulled away smiling warmly. 

You both cuddled up and watched anime, while eating fries. Sans rests his head on your shoulder. "You know that was rather, sexy~." He purrs. You blush a little. He chuckles and kisses your shoulder, then, goes back to cuddling. 

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