Underfell! Sans x Sick! Reader

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You lived with the skeleton brothers. You normally kept the house clean while they were away. Today you had been filling weak and stumbled some. Sans and Papyrus both had gotten home early. 

"Human, the house isn't as clean as it usually is!" Papyrus complains, with a hint of concern. You look over at him tiredly. "I'm sorry Pap, I just. . ." You then faint. Sans runs to you. He was your boyfriend of eleven months. 

Your cheeks are red and your breathing, shallow. Sans places his hand on your forehead. "What is wrong with the human?!" Papyrus asks. "She's sick." Sans says worriedly. Papyrus gives a small look of concern. 

Sans picks you up bridal style and carries you up to your room. He lays you in bed. Papyrus just finishes cleaning the house. It kay not seem like it but Papyrus really cares for you, and Sans. 

Sans grabs a thermometer and checks your temperature. It was very high. ((Ok, real quick, ever time I was sick I had to use a thin blanket and cooling clothes. Sweating is only good if your temp is not to high. If your to hot it's not good to be under a thick blanket. Thats just how it is for me.)) 

Sans went though your drawers and pulled out a tank top and shorts. Even though Sans is a teasing perv, but when situation is serious like this, he is very respectful. Sans only changed your shirt and pants, then covered you with a thin blanket. 

He then got changed into a thin white shirt and sleeping shorts and crawled into bed next to you. He could change his body temperature by using magic. He kept a comforting cool temperature and stayed next to you. Sans ended up falling asleep. 

It was late at night now and you began to stir. You shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Sans sat up quickly. "S..Saaans...!" You moan out in pain. Then the sound of you vomiting was heard. 

Sans had already thrown off the blanket and ran to the bathroom. He knelt down beside you. Sans holds your hair back and rubs gentle circles on your back. 

Your body is racking with shivers and sobs. You continue to lean over the toilet for a little longer. You then lean back and Sans wipes your mouth. He gently pulls you to him and you rest against him. 

Sans runs his fingers through your hair softly. "Ya ok baby?" He asks softly. You shake your head. Sans kisses your head. "I'm sorry sweetheart." He whispers. You cling to him weakly. 

For the next two hours you had to transition from throwing up and clinging to Sans. Once you finished Sans carried you to bed, where you cuddled with him. 

It's been three days and you couldn't leave your bed. You could hardly stand. Sans was getting really worried. You had never been this sick before. Sans laid in bed with you sometimes, other times he would sit in a chair next to you so you could get better rest. 

Papyrus allowed him to take time off work to watch you. Sans was normally a gruff and edgy skeleton, but when you were hurt or sick, that changed completely. He was a worried anxious mess. 

Sans whimpered softly as he sat next to you. He was sweating and nervously waiting. He decided to call Alphys and was waiting for her to get there. When she did, she had to take a blood sample. 

You didn't even flinch. You weren't asleep ether. Sans was happy it didn't hurt or scare you, but the lack of reaction scared him. Alphys took the sample back to her lab and soon called. 

"She need a lot of water, a lot. Rest. Don't give her a lot of food, just some crackers, and a mineral bath to get rid of toxins." Alphys says. "Ok thank you." Sans says. He hangs up and looks at you. 

"Sweetheart, you need some water." Sans says. You look over at him, drowsily. Sans helps you sit up and holds the cup to your lips. You sip softly. Sans lays you back down and places the cup on the side table. 

Sans went into the bathroom and got a warm bath started. He put in the minerals Alphys gave him a while ago when he was sick. Sans walked back over to you. 

"Alright sweetheart, common. You gotta take a bath." Sans says, grunting as he picks you up. You give a small weak whine. "I know baby. This will help your sickness though." Sans says softly. 

Once he gets to the bathroom he uses his magic to help you stand. With what little strength you had, you managed to get your clothes off and into the bathtub. Sans was turned around though. ((No dirty thoughts.....cha nasties)) 

The bubbles in the water hid you. Sans pinned your hair up gently. Your breathing was still ragged. Sans gently brushed his hand along your forehead repeatedly in a soothing motion. 

You begin to relax again. This makes Sans relax too. The bath water was soothing and it did make you feel better. You and Sans sat in comfortable silence. 

You wee half asleep in the tub when Sans shook you gently. "Common sweetheart, time too get out." Sans says softly. You make a small grunt. Sans holds up a towel and uses his magic to lift you. 

He wraps you in a towel, still keeping his eyes turned away. Sans picks you up, still wrapped in the towel and sits on the toilet. He need to be close to you like this, to hold you in his arms, making him feel like he can keep you safe. 

"You feeling any better sweetheart?" He asked. You nod a little. "Alright, lets get you dressed and back in bed." Sans says. He uses his magic to help you stand. You only have enough energy to put on your underwear and sleeping bra. 

Sans helps you with your tank top and shorts. He carries you to bed and lays you down, pullig out the chair to sit by you. You could tell Sans was nervous and worried for you. He was sweating and didn't even smile. 

Normally Sans is edgy and rude, or hardcore and bad*ss. He would tease and flirt heavily with you. It was strange but heart warming seeing him care for you so much. However, he began to cry a little. Red tears falling down his face, he really cared for you.

"Y..you can come cuddle Sans." You say just above a whisper. Sans perks up and gets dressed in some cooling clothes. He then slowly gets into bed next to you. You cuddle up to him, his cool bones felt great on your warm skin. 

Sans gently wraps an arm around you and lays down. Sans gently runs his fingers through your hair, soothing your headache. 

Over the rest of the week Sans was there to sit you up, cool you down, and carry you. Sans cuddled with you most of the time. You eventually got better, Sans had to make extra sure you were ok before letting you outside. 

Right now you and Sans were cuddling on the couch. Sans laid on his back sitting up. One arm over the back of the couch, one over your waist. He was back to his taundere tough act. 

Though he was still a cuddly teddy bear to you. "It's cute." You say. "What's cute?" Sans asked gruffly. "You~." You say. "I ain't cute." Sans grumbles. "Yes you are~. You were so worried for me." You say softly. 

Sans grumbles again but smiles at you. "That's because I love my sweetheart." He says fondly and kisses your head. You smile and snuggle into. You both cuddle for the rest of the day. 

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