Beasttale! Sans x Asexual! Reader

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You worked at a coffee shop. The monsters had come to the surface two years ago. One monster, named Sans, always came to get coffee. He soon began to talk to you and get to know you. 

He found out you were very independent. Which was why you had no boyfriend. He knew you hated being yelled at. This was found out because some large man came in the shop and got the wrong order. 

He became mad and took it out on you by yelling. This caused you to freeze up. Your dad used to yell at you so it was slightly traumatizing. Sans made sure to speak softly around you. He also found out you weren't the most pain tolerant person. 

He began to grow a love for you, however, he didn't think you would love him the same. His love for you grew stronger though. They way you talk, the way you move, your personality, everything. 

One day he built up the courage to ask you on a date, which to his suprise, you said yes. You on the other hand were nervous. 

You were nervous, you did like Sans, you even loved Sans, but, the real reazon you have never dated was because you were asexual. You didn't want to *ahem* do the dirty. 

However your love for Sans was strong. At first you thought one date wouldn't hurt, then another, and another. Then you soon agreed to become his girlfriend. 'Just another month.' You kept thinking. 

Soon you both have been togather for a year and a half. Your anxiety grew worse and worse with each day, but Sans was a skeleton he couldn', you have heard of them, all monsters talking about breeding. 

Today a book came out online. It was about the history and facts on monsters. You were in your room alone, reading it. What you read only made your anxiety worse. 

Monsters do normally...breed. They call there partner mate. They have a primal side as well. You closed out of the tab and stood up. You suddenly heard the appartment door open. 

Sans was home. You slowly make your way into the livingroom. "Hey sweetheart." He greets. Sans walks over to you, engulfing you in a hug. He nuzzles the top of your head. 

You breathed in Sans intoxicating scent and sighed. Your thoughts still raced. Sans seemed to sence your distress. He pulled back a little bit. "What's wrong sweetheart?" He asks. You look up at him and give the best fake smile you could manage. 

"Nothing." You say and burry your face in his chest like nothing was wrong. Sans sighs but doesn't question it anymore. He goes into the kitchen in search of food. You lean against the counter and snack on a cookie. 

"(Y/n). You know you can tell me anything right?" He asks. You nod. Sans sighs again, his long boney tail swept across the ground as he made his way over to you. "Baby, please, if something's wrong I can help you." Sans says. 

"I'm fine Sans." You say looking away. Sans breathes out his nose and kisses your head. "Alright." He says. You both go into the livingroom and rest on the couch. Sans holds you to him and cuddles you. 

You try to hold in your tears. You soon had to leave Sans. You couldn't give him something he would want. You were too scared. It sounded selfish you know, but you just couldn't. 

That night you couldn't sleep. You lock yourself in the bathroom and texted your friends in a group chat to tell them your problem. They all said just talk to him about it, but, you were too scared. 

Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. "Sweetheart, you ok?" He asks. "Y..ya." You say, sniffling. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks. "N..nothing, just a nightmare." You say. 

"Please don't lie to me sweetheart." Sans says. You don't say anything, and begin to cry. Sans becomes worried. "Sweetheart, please come out." He says. You knew there was nothing else you could do. 

You slowly opened the door and saw Sans. He could feel the anxiety and fear radiate from you. "Sweetheart, come here." Sans says softly. He guides you to the bed and you both sat down. 

"Now, tell me what's bothering you. Please." Sans says. Your breathing becomes ragged. You wipe your eyes roughly and take a deep breath. 

"Sans, I...I... You won't want to be with me after I say this." You start. "I...I'm asexual. I..I don't ever really want to...ya know." You say, tears forming in your eyes again. 

"I..I know you monsters have a..a primal thing and what not but, I c..can't do that. I'm too scared. I never meant to get this far in our relationship but I didn't want to leave. I love you so much, but, apparently not enough to give you something may want in the future." You say. Tears streaming down your eyes. 

", save you th..the trouble. G..goodbye, and I'm sorry." You say and get up, leaving quickly. "(Y/n) wait!" Sans says. Your already out the door. Just as you made it to your car Sans catches up. 

"Wait please. Is. . .is this what your afraid of?" He asks. You nod and begin to cry. "I..I'm sorry." You sob. "Sweetheart, baby." Sans says, gently pulling you into a hug. 

"I'm not going to leave you because of something like that." Sans says. "I..I'm s..sorry, I..I'm so sorry." "Shhhhhhhh, baby, it's ok." Sans soothes. "You were just scared. I know you were just trying to make sure I was happy, but, I'm happy with you, no matter what." Sans says. 

"B..but w..what a..about..." You sobbed. "No, it's fine, I'm fine. You don't need to worry. I'm not going to make you do something you don't want to." Sans says. You burry your face in his chest. Sans runs his fingers though your hair. 

"Let's go inside sweetheart." Sans says. You nod. Sans picks you up and carries your back inside. 

You both lay down in bed. Sans wraps his tail behind you. You cuddle close to his large chest. Your sobs had died down to sniffles and hiccups. Sans wraps an arm around your waist and rubs your back. 

The other hand was petting your head softly. "I love you (y/n)." He says softly, lovingly. "I love you too Sans." You say. Sans could feel your emotions calm. Your anxiety and fear had gone and you were relaxed. 

Sans smiled and kissed your shoulder. He was glad he got his love to feel better. He loved you with all his soul. 

The next month, Sans took you on a date and proposed to you. You, of course, said yes. You and Sans soon had a beautiful wedding and left to go on a two week honeymoon. 

That's where you were right now. You and Sans were in a huge fancy hotel for married couples. You were laying in bed with Sans over you. You were both lost in each others eyes. 

Sans leans down and kisses you softly. You kiss back lovingly. Sans runs his fingers through your hair gently. You practically melt against him. You both make out for a while before stopping to catch your breath. 

Sans presses his forehead against yours. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too." You reply. You and Sans spent the rest of the time cuddling and talking. You couldn't be any happier. 

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