Sans x Scared! Reader

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A/N: this is the soulmate au 

You didn't want to meet your soulmate, you were too scared. What if they hurt you, or kidnap you or something. You were alway paranoid of people and too shy. You had two close friends and thats all who you would let in. 

You did however, slightly hope they were kind and gentle. You just wanted to feel safe and relaxed for once. It was the day you would meet your soulmate. You stayed indoors though. 

Your soul longed and ached for the other half but at the same time was too afraid to get close. The day was miserable. You sat in your room trying to sleep through the day and ignore the feeling in your gut. 

By the next day you figured it was over and went to go take a walk. You did need the exercise. People walked by without a care. You turned down a bright slightly busy alley way. 

You began to feel many emotions. Suddenly you froze, a skeleton monster stairing back from thirty feet away. You felt a zap of connection. He was your soulmate. 

Panic began to rise in your throat. Just before any thing could happen, you ran.  You could feel the slight confusion of your partner. You ignored it and sped home. 

You hid in there for a week. When you came out you saw him again, and again, and again. You couldn't take this anymore. 

Sans P.O.V  

Why was she so scared? I could feel her fear for the longest time now but it got even worse when we met. I wanted to comfort her. To tell her it was ok but I couldn't. Not till I could talk to her. 

Author's P.O.V 

You decided to go to a small coffee shop. Maybe you could find some peace there. You sipped on some coffee and stared out the window. "Hey." A gentle low voice rang. You felt the same zap as before. 

Shakily you turned to see none other than your soulmate. He could feel a great amount of fear eat at you. ", I'm not gonna hurt you. Don't worry." He said as if talking to a scared puppy. 

You stared down at the cup with shaky hands. The skeleton sat down in the booth in front of you. "My name's Sans. What's yours?" He said slowly and softly. You felt a faint relaxed vibe come from him but you shut it out. 

You paused for the longest time before whispering, "(Y..Y/n)." Sans smiled softly. He could see you were still afraid. "Look, I know your scared and it's ok. If your not ready thats fine. I just want you to know I ain't gonna do anythin' to ya ok?" He says gently. 

You don't reply. "Well, I guess I'll leave now. It was nice meeting you (y/n)." Sans said almost sounding sad. He got up and began to walk away. "W..wait!" You call softly. He pauses and turns, making you flinch. 

You see his soft gaze and an urge to throw yourself in his arms rises up in your chest. You pushed it away though. "C..can I see you" You stuttered. 

This was Sans's chance to show you he was kind. He nods. "Around the same time?" He asks. You nod. 

You have meet with Sans for about eight months now just for that time. Sometimes you saw him at the store or on the sidewalk though. By the ninth month he left you cute little pun love notes on your door. 

It warmed your heart but you couldn't get over the fact he might be acting. It was night and you were in bed. You were stressed and scared for no reason. You have been hard at work and craved love. 

Your soul was clenching in pain. You wanted Sans but you refused to text him. Suddenly there was a text from him. "(Y/n), are you ok? Do you need me to come over?" He texted. 

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