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Within three days, Itachi and Sakura had reached the hideout. He reached for the door handle but turned to Sakura. She looked at him in confusion.

"Sakura, once you enter here, there's no going back. No one can ever know about this place, it's our only sense of security. Do you understand?" He asked her.

She nodded her head and he opened the door and and she followed him inside. She noticed the numerous amount of doors. The only light was the candles between each door.

"You will get used to the amount of doors. The one at the very end of the hall on the right is my room, you will be staying there with me." He said and handed her some clothes, "Please, feel free to use the shower and change."

She smiled to him and walked down the hallway. She was shocked at the generosity he was showing her, perhaps it's because she came of her own free will. Certainly, he wouldn't treat captives like this.

She reached the door he had pointed out to her and walked in and headed for the shower in the bathroom. She turned on the water and stepped into it. She shivered at the feeling of the hot water hitting her body. She washed her hair and body and turned off the water. She wrapped her towel around her body and looked at the clothes he had given her. It was a mesh shirt with a black sports bra and short shorts.

"Of course I'd have to wear something like this.'

She sighed and dressed her self. She tied her hair in a pony tail and pulled her bangs down to frame her face. She walked out of the bathroom and seen Itachi sitting on his window. His cloak was wrapped around his shoulders and his hair was out of the normal low ponytail.

He turned to her and smiled to himself.

"Do you feel better now?" He asked her.

She nodded and walked to his bed and sat down. She couldn't stop herself from stealing glances at him. She glanced down his face and blushed at the sharp and alluring features, his sharp jaw drew her attention the most.

"Is there a problem, Sakura?" He asked with a smirk.

"N-No, Itachi." She said and quickly turned away.

'Don't lie to him! You know you think he's handsome! He's even better looking than his brother, and kinder too!'

She internally growled at her inner self. But, she couldn't deny that she was most definitely right. Itachi smiled at her and stood up and grabbed her hand.

"Come on, it's time to meet everyone." He said to her.

She shivered at his touch. The feel of his strong hand on hers sent electric through her body. She nodded to him and stood up, trying to hide the blush that stained her face.

"Now, don't be scared of them. They may seem bitter right now. They will warm up to you. They just hate new people." He said to her and shrugged his shoulders, "The only one worth fearing is our leader, Pein. Make him mad in anyway and you will regret it."

They walked into the living area and Sakura was instantly greeted with glares. Their eyes seemed to burn into her soul.

"Itachi, who is this creature?" A man with slicked back silver hair asked him.

The man walked towards her and grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at him.

"Her eyes are quite enchanting if you ask me. But, her hair is absolutely spiking my curiousity." He said as he twirled a strand in his fingers.

Itachi growled and grabbed his wrist. The man quickly let go and glared at him. Never had he seen Itachi get protective over a worthless girl.

"Her name is Sakura Haruno. You will make sure you keep a distance from her if you know what's best for you." He said with a stern tone.

"Wait, did you say Sakura, yeah? The woman who killed Sasori, yeah?" A blonde male asked as he stood up.

"No matter what she has done, she is of use to me and no harm will come to her. You will introduce yourselves to her now." He said glaring at the blonde.

"Names Deidara, yeah." He said and sat back down.

The silver haired man stared at her and Sakura backed up a step. Itachi looked to her and then to Hidan.

"I'm Hidan, worthless woman." He said and crossed his arms.

A man with an orange mask ran into the room flailing his arms around.

"Tobi's a bad boy! Tobi made Konan mad!" He said.

A woman with short blue hair ran into room and stopped right infront of Sakura and stared at Itachi.

"Who is she? Why is she here? Pein is going to kill you, you know? He will not be pleased by this." She said.

"She is helping me, Konan. If he wishes to keep a member and not have to replace me then he will accept it." Itachi said to her.

Konan glared at Sakura and smiled to her.

"I'm Konan. It's nice to have another girl around. You grow tired of being stupid men after a while." She said and laughed.

Sakura smiled and laughed. Maybe she would like it here after all.

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