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Chapter 2

Lauryn's P.O.V.

"Lynn!!", Shea calls up to me.

"Ughh, what!?", I shout.

"Don't what me, and get yo ass up for school."

"I just did", I mumble as I turned on my light and stiffly got out of my bed.

I took a long shower and dressed myself before getting something to eat and waiting at the front door for Shea.

Eric walked out of the basement in only his boxers with a toothbrush in his mouth.

"Put on some clothes boy", I say as I leaned against the door.

"Shut the hell up", He says before walking into the restroom and closing the door.

"Oshea!!", I shout.

"Hold the fuck on", He yells down to me.

"I'm already late, damn", I say with my arms folded.

"You loud", Eric says as he walked out of the restroom fully clothed.

I frowned, "Tell yo nigga to hurry up then."

"You cute when you mad", He says as he approached me.

I ignored him and continued waiting for Shea to come downstairs.

"He up there with Taylor, he gone be a lil while; I can take you right now if you want."

I looked at my watch. "Yeah", I say as I opened the front door and walked to Eric's car and he followed behind.

We both got in and Eric drove me to my school, when he parked in front I grabbed my book bag and opened the car door.

"Damn, a nigga can't get a thank you?", He questioned.

"Thank you Eric", I say as I got out.

"You need a ride home?"

"I'll get one from Damian, thanks though", I say as I closed the door.

"Ight", He says before pulling off.

I walked inside and headed in the direction of my locker. "Hey", I say to Damian as he pulled his books out of his locker.

He smiled, "Hey baby."

"I'm sorry about yesterday..", I say still embarrassed.

He closed his locker and put his arm around me, "You good bae."

I followed him to our 3rd period and sat down between him and my best friend, Nicki.

"Damn girl, you always late", She says as she took notes.

"Yes cause-."

"Mrs. Jackson, I know you're late but that doesn't give you the right to distract the rest of the class", Our teacher Mr. Holman says as he wrote on the board.

I frowned. "Anyway", I say as I lowered my voice.

"Cube had his bitch over, so he took forever to come downstairs; I ended up getting a ride from Eric."

"Ooooh damn, can he give me a ride to; I been wanting to fuck wit him since we was freshmen."

"Ehh", I say as we laughed.

"Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Anderson", Our teacher calls out once again.

We both sighed in unison. "My bad Mr. Holman, I say irritatedly.

I continued, "Imma tell you what happened last night, tonight on the phone", I whisper before picking up my pencil and taking down the notes.


O'Shea's P.O.V.

"Man calm down, imma be there tonight, I get off at 6."

"Ight don't fuck this up again, remember it starts at 10:30", Eric repeated before hanging up the phone.

We do these little gigs at small clubs for money and to get our name out there more; I already missed 2 gigs, because of work but I can't make it a habit cause I'm the main writer in our group and I have a lot of verses.

When I got off of work Lynn was already home, I know she's been sneaking that lil nigga in my house but I can never catch her in the act; I hope she wasn't dumb enough to let him touch her.

"You do all your homework?", I ask Lauryn once again.

She rolled her eyes, "O'Shea I only have one father and he abandoned us so please stop."

I frowned. "Yes I did it... I'm sorry", She says looking down.

"Its okay, imma order you something to eat later. Okay?"

"Okay", She answers.

"Ight", I say before closing her door and walking to my bedroom.

"You okay?", My girl Taylor asked as I laid back on her.

"Yeah, I just notice her getting worse and sometimes I don't know what to say and do."

She kissed my cheek, "You're doing good to be so young Shea."

"I guess", I say as I focused on the TV.

"When's y'all show?"

"4 hours", I replied.

"Coo, I'm coming with you", She says as she wrapped her arms around me.

Imma Try to update this story as much as possible cause I have hella Ideas, I hope you like it so far 😘😘

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