Trial (Part 3)

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• Chapter 21 •

Eric's P.O.V.

"Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again."

I dont know what I did to end up here, I do know that I am not perfect and that sometimes I make bad choices but I've never done anything so bad that I should deserved this; maybe success was too good to me.

I was found guilty in the second degree and sentencing will be on the 27th. Whatever I did I hope the Lord forgives me and understands that I never meant to be a bad person, I'm not saying this because I'm looking for a soft cushion but I do have a child that's coming soon and now I won't even be able to see her being born.

I thought to myself over and over again as I waited in my sell, hoping that someone would come save me... but no one could and even if they could they probably wouldn't have. The only people that believe I'm innocent are my fans and kin; that shit hurts deep.

Another person I keep thinking about is Lauryn, going to prison for the murder of a girl I would die for and never dreamed of hurting fucks me up even more.

I used to always think, "How the fuck can you tell shea to move on, if you can't?"

Now I can't be weak... I have to be strong.. and I have to let her go.

Lauryn's P.O.V.

I rocked back and forth thinking about how Eric used to make me feel so safe, every night he would hold me so tight and wouldn't let go.. now I know why.

It's cause he didn't want to lose me, we were both lonely and filled the void in each others lives and now we're alone again, everyone thinks I'm dead and I minds well be; I will probably never be free of this sinister, psycho.

I'm also on the verge of losing my fucking mind; I closed my eyes as he cut off Yella's limbs one by one but the sound of him screaming echoed through the house. He put his body parts inside of a garbage bag before putting them in a container and wiping up all his blood and cleaning the floor with bleach.

I watched as he picked up the large container and walked out of the back door; Yella had nothing to do with this.. and now, he's gone because of me.

O'shea P.O.V.

When Eric was found guilty it didn't change anything for me, she's still gone and never coming back; I sighed as I waited for Yella to come back home, he's been gone for 4 days now.

He prolly fuckin wit Denise but he don't usually stay away from his house this long.

Eric's P.O.V.
• January 27th
Time: 7:59 AM

I watched as the guards placed the cuffs on my wrist and immediately transported me down to the courtroom for the sentencing; this shit is breaking me, I don't want my baby girls first look at me to be behind a glass.

I felt the tears sliding down my face as I stood in front of the judge and wiped them before holding my head high, I'm not gone let them get the satisfaction of thinking they broke me down.

I focused on the judge as she went over my papers and spoke of my situation once again; she looked me directly in my face before continuing.

"15 years to life", She says before banging the gavel.


My apologies for the slow updates, I'm not on my phone cause it's been deceased for a couple of months. I'm on my friends phone and sometimes I use this big ass too hard to type on Nook so I'm trying hard to update faster. ❤

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