Big Brother (Part 2)

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Chapter 11 •

O'Shea's P.O.V.

"Again, she's 5'4, long black hair and light-skinned", I repeat to the officer.

"I'm sorry sir we're just trying to get all the facts", He says before closing his notepad.

"But you asking me the same shit that cop just asked me, stop asking all these muthafuckin questions and find her!", I yell.

"Sir I'm gonna need you to calm down."

I frowned, "Calm down!?"

"Aye chill chill chill", Ren says as he quickly pulled me back.

"I can't bruh", I say as my eyes watered.

I continued, "I called Nikki and she don't know where she is either."

"We gone find her but you have to calm down."

" I have to find her now cause they gone keep....", I held my head down.

"Gone keep what?", He questioned.

"Someone took fuckin advantage of her and the longer she's missing is the more they're probably touching her."

"How you know they touched her?", Yella questions.

"If you seen what I saw, you would know ", I explained.

"Shit", Ren says as he sat on his car.

"It's gone be okay, we gone find her", Dre says as he rubbed my back.

"That's my sister man", I say as my voice cracked and I wiped my tears that kept forming in my eyes.

Ren tried to help me calm down, but all kinds of thoughts were going through my mind, I have to find her.

"Mr. Jackson", A man in a dark suit says as he approached us.

I cleared my throat. "Yes?", I answer.

"I'm detective Lee and I will be in charge of this investigation; right now we're collecting DNA and evidence from the crime scene and will send them to forensics to be tested for hand prints and whatever else we can find."

"Okay", I say dryly.

"As soon as the results come back we'll notify you and hopefully we can find whoever did this okay?"

"No they're ain't no hopefully, you will find her and who did this", Dre says with a frown.

"We're working on it", Detective Lee assured.

He continued, "We also also have officers searching in the area for anything just in case she was..."

"Don't tell me that shit man, just do what the fuck you gotta do", I say as my tears fell more rapidly.

I looked over and Eric pulled up before getting out his car and jogging over to us.

"She okay?", He questioned.

"Do you see her any fuckin where Eric?", I say with a frown.

"I'm sorry man damn... I wanna find her to", He says in defense.

I held my head low and sat on Rens car, "It's all my fault."

"Don't say that shit, this could have  happened to anybody."

"It is I shouldn't have left her home alone but I was too worried about my fuckin job."

"But you was working for you and her right?", He questioned.

"yeah", I say wiping my face.

"Then shake that shit off and work to find her. ight?"


"Go get some clothes, you can chill at my house", Ren says before getting in his car and starting it up.

I packed up some stuff and left to Ren's house; of course the hood got the news about Lynn being missing, I got all the homies to help look for her but no one can find her. There's rumors spreading about Nikki being jealous of her and Lynn killing herself but I don't believe she's dead, I hope not..

• 2 weekz Later •

I walked to Rens house phone and picked it up. "Hello", I answer.

"Yes, this is detective Lee, is O'Shea Jackson there?", He questioned.

"Yeah, wassup."

"The DNA test is pending and we need you to come down here to see if you can identify the person."

"No doubt, I'll be down there."

He gave me the address and I made it down there in 10 minutes, I walked inside and saw Detective Lee walking towards me.

"Follow me", He says as he walked down a hall.

I followed him and he turned a few corners before walking into a room that was labeled, "Forensics. "

I walked in and he walked to a computer. "This is were all the magic happeneds", He says as he typed into the computer.

He continued, "We collected DNA and of course most of it was Lauryn's."

"Who did the blood belong to?", I ask nervously.

"It was all hers.... I'm sorry", He says as he typed.

I sat down as I held my hands on my mouth. "If yall don't, Imma find this muthafucka", I say as I wiped my face.

"We did find someone else's DNA."

"Who", I say as I looked up.

"Lauryn's, Yours of course and his."

I got up before walking to the computer and was shocked to see him, I can't believe he would do this shit..

whoo do you think it was??? Some shit finna get hot..

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