My Day One's... (Part 1)

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• Chapter 12 •

Other's P.O.V.

"Maybe I'm just fuckin trippin cause he always be at our house."

"The form we found the DNA in was... His semen on her sheets", He says as he pressed enter on the computer and the picture of him popped up on the screen.

He continued, "And it was in fact from that night; the test shows that he was there the day before you called.

I balled my fist and couldn't believe the shit I was hearing, I didn't want to believe it. "Imma kill him", I say as I pasted back and forth.

"We'll call him down for interrogation", Detective Lee says before leading me out to the waiting room.

"If I bring him here, you have to stay calm."

"I can't promise that", I say truthfully.

"Then you have to go."

"Fine, I'll be coo", I say before sitting down.

Over and over again I think to myself, "Is this really happening?". I'm staying as strong as I can but I don't know the situation she's in at all and it's fucking me up knowing that she can possibly be dead.

• 2 Hourz Later •
Eric's P.O.V.

"Where the fuck is O'shea so he can clear this Bullshit up!?", I yell.

"Where is she!", I hear O'shea scream before pushing me up against the wall.

"Aye!", The detective shouts.

I pushed him off and we started fist fighting but I was pulled off by one of the cops and saw cube being held back by Detective Lee.

"Why the fuck am I here!", I yell as I caught my breath.

"You sick man, how the fuck can you rape her!", Shea yells as his voice grew hoarse.

I frowned, "What?"

"You heard what the fuck I said bruh, you foul", He says before spitting on me.

I tried as hard as I could to make it to him but got pulled into one of those interrogation rooms with the one sided glass, you can see into but not out of.

"Cube", I say as I banged on the walls trying to find the window he was standing at.

I continued. "I didn't do this, I would never fuckin hurt her!!", I shout.

"You have to believe me, you like my fuckin brother Shea!", I finished.

About 20 minutes later Detective Lee walked into the interrogation room. "Take a seat", He says before sitting down.

I ignored him. "I wanna speak to O'shea", I say with a frown.


"Lee", I say as I looked at him.

He sighed, "You seem smart... And you have been here before", He says with his arms folded.

"And?", I question.

He continued, "So I'm guessing you know what order things go in."

"Yup, yall do that good cop bad cop bullshit and try to get me to confess to some shit I did not do. "

He chuckled, "We already know wassup, we just wanna give you a chance to confess."

"See this is how I know you're a rookie at this shit", I say before sitting down.

"1. You let cube get to me, you're not supposed to let him get to the so called suspect, 2. You're saying that "Give you a chance to confess" Shit, to get me to confess and number muthafuckin 3. I didn't do this bullshit and you still think I did."

He scratched his chin. "Then tell me this Eric", He started.

"Why did we find your DNA at the crime scene?"

"Cause we grew up around each other, I'm always over there", I answer.

"But it's your semen on her sheets, from that night."

I sighed and looked down, "Cause I..... We fucked. "

He turned his recorder on, "Repeat that for me."

"I fucked her", I say louder.

"Now don't you think that's crazy... You having sex with her the same night she goes missing?"

"Apparently not", I answer.

"Eric I went through your records.. You've been arrested for rape before."

"I was arrested but not guilty", I say before I sipping some of my water.

I continued, "The fuck does that have to do with this case?"

"Don't you think that's gonna look sketchy when we take this to court?", He asked.

"No fuckin shit", I say as I nervously laughed.

I continued, "I feel like I'm finna shit myself to be honest."

"Then tell me what happened and I'll make sure you don't get the wrong treatment."

"I'll tell you everything you wanna know, but only if O'shea is in here; he needs to know that I'd never do that", I say as my leg shook rapidly.

"I'll see what I can do."

Next Chapter up next, who do you think it was??

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