III : Baseball

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It's been a week since I received Nathan's number.. we've been texting back and foward all the time, meeting each other more, and I, each more, liked him better..

He was a really sweet guy with a really big heart.. he wasn't trying to fuck me like normally guys at our school try.. because that's pretty normal at our school.. girls give in and they take advantage of them..

But you're not here to listen about me and Nathan... You're here for Demi and Nick right??

Demi and Nick have been fine.. don't worry.. they still come to school together every single day..

But Demi has been sadder and sadder lately because Nick didn't spend a single day with her this week..

Today there was a game happening at our school.. another school was coming to play baseball, but it was an amicable game

Nick played of course..

And had a lot of atention for it.. specially from Miley...

Well.. let me tell you what happened...

Demi wanted to see Nick before the game to wish him goodluck, but as we sat on the benches, way up high, we saw him training behing a fence

Demi wanted to see Nick before the game to wish him goodluck, but as we sat on the benches, way up high, we saw him training behing a fence

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He was swinging his bat back and forth pretending he was hitting a ball.. but that didn't stop Demi.. she wanted to be next to him.. not behind a fence

- We should try to sneak in - Amber said looking at me - so Demi could see him

I nodded and Demi clapped her hands - that's a great idea.. but how?

I looked around as we both stood up again grabbing our stuff - We could go from down here, or from the field - I said - we will have to pass by the changing rooms anyways since he just went inside - I said pointing towards the place where Nick was

They nodded as Demi said for us to go from the inside. We walked down the stairs and went through a corridor. Then we turned going through another one with various doors

"Field 5"

"Field 6"

"WC woman"

"WC man"

"Field 7"

Oh... "Changing Rooms", great

We took a deep breath nowing that we weren't aloud to enter in here since this was basically a boys bathroom

A janitor passed by as we pretended nothing was happening and then Amber turned the doorknob as we went inside quickly

When You Look Me In the Eyes (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now