XXIV : Cry for Help

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I watched Demi walk away while Nick stared at the river.. I didn't know what to think about what just happened.. I looked at Addy while she stared at me.. we both had a look that in our mind.. they were way more perfect together than what they really were..

- She's freaking crazy! - Nick shouted turning around

- I get why she's acting like that.. - Addy answered after a while - jealousy can be a bitch sometimes..

- Yeah, but this shit was expensive! Mom won't ever buy me a new one.. - Nick sighed defeated

- Really, Nick?.. - Nathan asked crossing his arms - Demi just walked away from your life and you're worried about your phone?

- What she did was wrong.. but you were kinda asking for it... you didn't put it down all day man.. - I said leaning on the fence and looking down to the river

- Yeah.. I'm guilty for that but I didn't know she would go bat shit crazy on it - Nick said annoyed - were only dating for a few weeks! Maybe a month

- Yeah.. but Demi has been crushing on you for like.. 12 years.. almost since kindergarten - Addy said more irritated now - to her, you guys have been together ever since.. and you're her first boyfriend Nicholas.. understand that, this is no joke to her.. this is practically marriage to her

Nick shook his head and sighed - I knew this was a bad idea.. starting things with Demi was a mistake..

Addy chuckled sarcastically - Fuck you Nick.. if you really think that, fuck you then..

- I'm so sorry if I had no intention of this happening

- If you really didn't want any of this to happen, you wouldn't have talked to that girl in the first place - Addy answered picking up her stuff - Solve your problems Nicholas

With that, Addy walked away while Nathan followed her.. he pat me in the back and said goodbye as I leaned on the fence looking at the sun that was  now starting to disappear

Nick sat down leaning against it and sighed - I knew I would fuck up

- It's okay Nicholas.. you're human.. but don't forget that Demi's too..

- I just.. I feel like everyone is against me.. all I hear is Demi this and Demi that.. no one hears my side of the story.. - He responded in a weak voice

I sighed knowing exactly how he felt.. I know how it is to have no one by my side.. Sitting down, I cross my legs and lean back - I'm all ears little brother

He looked at me and I gave him a smile - Are you sure you wanna hear it? It has some pretty graphic images.. like.. sex.. - Nick carefully said

- Did you two have sex?! - I asked surprised

- No!! That's not what I meant.. I just.. I mean.. Demi's like a sister to you..

- Yeah but you're my brother.. I've seen your dick many times before.. - I laughed making him chuckle

He took a deep breath and started..

- I have been crushing on Miley, as you know, from day one.. Demi was always the girl by my side always helping me in what to say or what to do.. I had relationships while I thought about Miley.. like.. I knew I didn't love the girl because the one on my mind was always Miley.. you know? - he said getting no response from me - So when I finally got Miley.. I felt like my world was spinning.. like I was finally living.. I had the girl I always wanted.. but I didn't have my rock.. my Demi.. - he paused - She and I, as you also know, drifted apart a little.. and that killed me

- But you did love Miley right? - I finally asked

- Yeah.. with all my heart.. but then Demi, when we were still mad, told me she loved me and then she asked for a kiss.. and we did it.. - I heard him say getting my attention

- While you and Miley were dating? - I asked

- Yeah.. but.. I felt no remorse whatsoever.. - he said looking upwards towards the sky - even looking at Miley's face was easy.. I felt no guilt..

I nodded and uncrossed my legs clearing my throat

- So I gave her a "No" anyways.. to Demi.. but kept thinking about that kiss and how it made me feel.. to the point where Miley's kiss would make me want to vomit..

- Well.. when I look at her face I kinda want to vomit too - I joked making Nick laugh

- Shut up Joe! - Nick said punching me slightly in the face. His smile then faded and he gulped making me listen to what he said carefully - Then.. I had my first sexual dream... ever.. and it was about Demi.. - he admited making my jaw drop

- Oh my god..

- It gets worse.. - he said - Demi woke me up from that dream and I admitted that I have been feeling things about her..

- And you were still with Miley? - I asked confused

- Oh.. no! I had already broken up with her.. forgot to mention.. - he answered as I nodded - and we both agreed we would take everything slowly.. But then that Nicole thing happened and Demi.. she wasn't thinking straight.. but yeah.. she tried to have sex with me.. And that was way to fast for me..

I groaned in disgust at the thought of Demi and Nick having sex but he continued..

- Then that clubbing thing happened and you told me how our drunk selves tried to have sex again and I started feeling like everything was happening too fast again.. and Demi had the excellent idea of confronting me.. since we were still not dating.. she told me she loved me and I didn't say it back.. because I wasn't sure of what I was feeling.. everything was happening way too fast for me..

- Then why did you asked her to be your girlfriend?

- I thought this would slow down.. that if she had the confirmation that I was hers.. that she would calm down.. because I am hers.. I know I am! But I need time to process all of this.. Miley has been "the one" I thought I would grow old with ever since I started talking.. but then Demi ruined it for me, finally telling me I was wrong my entire life and that I've been with the one by my side ever since I was born..

I took a deep breath and looked at my sad little brother - And why don't you tell her that? Why don't you explain that you feel like things are going too fast?

- Because nothing would happen.. I've told her before and she tried to have sex with me.. Because, like Addy said, to Demi.. we're practically married.. but to me.. this is still way too fresh..

- But you have to try.. you have to comunicate.. you have to expose to her your thoughts and your feelings.. She has to respect you and your decisions.. you just really have to tell her that this is going way too fast and that it needs to slow down..

- What if nothing happens again?

I shook my head - Make sure something happens.. or you'll have to do something none of you wants to do.. - I said standing up - Come on.. lets go home so you can talk to her about your feelings..

- I think I'm not gonna do it tonight.. she neeeds to cool of.. - Nick answered me while standing up - but thank you for the advices bro.. and thank you for listening.. I needed this..

I smiled and gave him a hug - I'm always here for you little Nick

He chuckled and we both picked up our stuff and walked home

When You Look Me In the Eyes (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now