XVI : Heartache

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I sigh and finally give up on my homework.. I wasn't on the mood to continue.. I was so bored.. Maths was boring..

Looking at the clock, I noticed I've been studying for 3 hours, but only did 7 excercises.. Maths was not my strength for sure..

Standing up, I turn around to see Demi on her window.. she was facing the other way since her desk was on the wall opposite to her window..

After a few seconds, I see her also give up but not turning around.. she turned on her CD player probably putting one of her CDs in it and then stood up to face her bed

My jaw started dropping as the sight of her taking off her shirt clouded my vision..

She still had a bra on, but I couldn't look away anyways.. it was hypnotizing.. she then took off her pants and turned on her heater

I scratched my head growing nervous as she slowly started bending down to pick up her pajama shirt that had fell off..

Oh god.. she was so hot..

How didn't I ever notice I had this as my best friend? Why didn't I look out the window earlier?

She stood up and put on her shirt. Her hair was really messy and adorable.. she took off her glasses and started dancing along to her song..

I gulped and looked away, closing my curtains



- Demi! Mom said the Jonas are going to dinner with us! - I heard Madison yell while opening the door

- Why? - I replied looking at her

- I don't know.. ask mom - she shrugged and walked away as I came closer to the door

I went downstairs calling out for my mom and met her at the kitchen

- What's the occasion? - I asked as she gave me a knife to cut some vegetables

- Today is mine and Denise's aniversary.. we met today, 30 and something years ago - my mom answered with a smile on her face

I nodded - But are Paul and Kevin coming too?

My mom shook her head while stirring the food - No they are not.. Paul is still in Spain working, and Kevin can't come..

I nodded completely scolding myself for forgetting that Paul was still working out of the USA

We finished cooking the spaghetti and the meat, right when the doorbell rang

Maddie ran and opened it.. It wasn't long until Denise came running to hug her best friend, both Joe and Nick behind her with Frankie

They both started talking hysterically with excitement while I cut onions with a smile on my face

- Hey Demetria - I hear Joe as he touched my hip tickling me

- Stop it! You know I hate that! - I said scratching my nose as tears formed in my eyes

He laughed and shook his head as I felt a hand wrap itself around my hip

When You Look Me In the Eyes (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now