XI : Teams

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I felt like shit..

Not only did I hurt my best friend, but hurt myself in the process.. I was devastated

We promised we would always be together, but it's hard to mantain promises this impossible..

What was I expecting? That I could break her heart and expect her to be fine around me?

I'm an asshole

But that kiss.. it was something.. it was unexpected and exciting.. it was magical and nothing I had ever experienced.. not with my previous girlfriends, not even Miley..

Maybe it was because me and Demi were connected at the soul level..

I really loved her, and I've been second thinking this all Miley thing..

Of course I loved Miley.. I was crazy about her, but the truth is that I thought about Demi almost every second after that kiss..

I tried to not hang around with Miley, whenever Demi was in the room..

I tried to avoid hurting her more..

I love Demi..

I don't wanna make her suffer..

Team Group School Games, also known as TGSG, were arriving and I was starting to feel like, it was not worth it..

Miley wasn't worth losing Demi..

I loved Miley a lot.. but she wasn't worth losing the connection I had with Demi.. and a week before the group games, I ended up things with Miley

Miley was kind of devastated when I told her that I couldn't keep going with her.. I told her she was an amazing girl but the feelings I had weren't the same.. I didn't feel the love I used to feel..

So when the games came, I was a single man and ready to chose my team

Our class made three teams.. the captains were me, Jordyn and Mark..

The teacher came up to me and I shouted the name, as proundly and smiley as I could


We were in a line.. I was next to Amber, hearing her talk about how much she despised Addy now and that she didn't understand how did she even like her before

I sighed as we started making teams.. Jordyn chose a girl, Mark shouted another one.. Nick..

The teacher came up to him and he looked all smiley..

- Demi! - he pointed at me

I frowned and pointed at myself feeling really confused and frightened

He nodded and gave me a sweet smile.. the sweetest

"Ok.. what is going on?!" I thought to myself

I walked up to him and as I approached him, he opened his arms inviting me for a hug

I grew nervous as I walked towards him.. should I hug him? Should I just stop in front of him..

Just enjoy it Demetria.. fuck it

I smiled and ran to his arms, almost knocking him out of balance, making him stumble backwards

When You Look Me In the Eyes (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now