XV : Dream

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The day of the singing contest came and we nailed it.. we sang a song we both made called "Stop the World" and everyone in the audience seemed to really enjoy it

Demi was really nervous at first so I had to calm herself out with hugs and cuddling, which I didn't regret at all, except when Miley passed by and saw us giving me a heartbreaking look

I had to look away from her gaze and let go a little of Demi

I still loved Miley but for some reason I felt an intense pull towards Demi.. I didn't know what my heart wanted.. I felt like I was torned and being pulled both sides

I looked back down and saw Demi looking into my eyes and into my soul

I gave her a smile trying not to worry her more

We sang and finished the song giving each other our famous high five.. the elbow five

After singing, we had to wait with our team, who congratulated us, and hope our acting was enough

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After singing, we had to wait with our team, who congratulated us, and hope our acting was enough

When I looked at Demi, after a while, she looked distracted and thoughtful

- Hey.. - I whispered touching her shoulder - you okay?

She looked at me and cleared her throat - Yeah.. yeah I am.. just.. tired

I see right through your bullshit Demi..

- Tired?.. from singing? - I asked sarcastically

She shrugged and sighed - Yes Nicholas.. - she impatiently answered

As she walked away, I stood there trying to think about reasons as to why she looked so.. not Demi

Demi normally was excited and talking with everyone in the team.. for everyone, she could actually look tired.. but I knew her.. I knew she wasn't alright.. there was something missing.. her light was missing

We finally got the results.. our team didn't get first place but we got second which was really satisfying

I looked around not finding Demi anywhere.. I started walking, searching for her but she was nowhere to be seen..

- Joe.. have you seen Demi? - I asked him as I saw him with a few friends

He shook his head frowning - I haven't.. why?

- I can't find her..

- Maybe she already went home - he said looking around - many people are already leaving..

I shrugged and looked around one last time - I guess..

But why wouldn't she say goodbye then?..

When You Look Me In the Eyes (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now