XXI : Say Anything..

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I woke up with someone falling on my side..

- Joe I'm dying.. this is it.. - I heard Nick say next to me

Opening my eyes, I feel the light blinding me as Joe proceeds to scold Nick.. I was not even understanding until I heard my name

- What is going on? - I asked in a raspy voice

Joe started laughing while I stood up with a hand in front of my face, trying to make the light not hit my eyes directly

- What's going on? - Joe repeated - You two freaking love birds got all drunk and just tried to fuck each other up! Literally - he insisted on the last word emphasizing every syllable

- I can't remember anything - Nick groaned covering his belly

Suddenly, an urge to vomit started coming up my throat and the headache intensified, making me stand up and run towards the bathroom..

I was so grateful my bathroom was just next to my bedroom since I was really offbalanced and dizzy

I kept vomiting and then cleaned my mouth with toilet paper after Joe came inside.. Joe shook his head and sighed picking me up and taking me to my bedroom

- Listen you both, I'm going to make tea.. you better not move or I'll kill you both more than I want to now!

Joe turned around and I grabbed a pillow, sitting it on my belly as Nick turned on his side closing his eyes.. I was still so dizzy.. my headache was getting worse by the second

- At least I'm dying happy - I heard Nick mumble

- Stop that romantic shit when I feel like shit! - I groaned leaning my head on the headboard

Nick chuckled and then grabbed his stomach in pain

- Oh god please help me - he said

It seemed like Joe took hours to come back.. I wasn't believing in what was happening.. I got shitfaced.. me! Demi Lovato! The nerd..

I couldn't recall what happened last night.. I just remember sitting by Nick's side and drinking.. I was getting curious by the minute

Joe came back with two mugs and a pack of medicine on his hand... he gave us the tea and made us take the pills not really saying a word

He then sat on my desk and watched us drinking

- So.. what happened last night? - Nick finally asked

Joe looked away and chuckled shaking his head - You really don't wanna know.. it basically went from you two being cordial and completely normal, to Demi asking me if I wanted to have a threesome with both of you

I almost spilled my drink as I heard Joe's words leave his mouth and Nick started coughing hard at what he just heard

He turned to me and I suddenly felt so embarrassed for my drunk self..

- What the fuck?

Joe busted out laughing and I assure you.. I wanted to disappear in that moment

- I basically caught you two all over each other.. I mean.. in like.. a full make out session! Nick was almost without a shirt and you had your skirt up.. you two were pressed against the wall and his hands-

- We get the image - Nick interrupted putting his drink aside - what happened next?

- I took you both home.. you two were unstoppable!! You were on top of him, the entire ride.. I was surprised it didn't happen a penetration there - Joe busted out laughing again as my face turned bright red..

When You Look Me In the Eyes (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now