XXIX : All I Could Dream

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I walked inside her house and went upstairs so we could relax like all the previous days we had together.. just watching a movie..

I was so sure she was the one and I know it's crazy to say this, but I really do think I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her.. she's everything I ever wanted in a girl and I scold myself for not realizing it earlier every single day..

I walked inside her bedroom and smile seeing her standing in the middle of the room with just a hoodie on

- Hey.. you ready? - I asked making her look to her left while putting the DVD on her TV

She nodded and smiled, pushing it inside and picked up the controller

- Do I need to make pop corn? - she asked jumping into her bed

I shook my head and took off my shoes to lay down next to her. She leaned closer to me and the movie started

Demi always loved crime shows so it was no surprise to me when the title appeared.. "The Hateful Eight"..

- Really? Tarantino? His movies are too long Demi.. and boring

She giggled - Shut up! He makes works of art! He's an iconic director! - she said turning her face back to the movie

I was so bored watching the movie.. it was too quiet and the scenes too long.. I was almost falling asleep

When I finally did fall asleep, I was woken up by kisses on my cheek that slowly creeped down my neck

I opened my eyes and looked down to see Demi looking up at me with the most ferocious look in her eyes.. like she was about to jump in my bones.. she was horny..

- Hey babe - she said in a seductive voice making me warm

- Hum, Demi.. what are you.. - I started as I cleared my throat but she smirked bitting her lip at me, which was incredibly sexy..

She stood on her hands and knees and walked towards me, laying on top of my body making my hand instinctively run her thigh

She brought both her hands to my chin and crashed her lips to mine in a furious fight. My body was working according to his own mind.. I had no control whatsoever over it since I was in state of pure bliss and lust

I went on top of her and she opened her legs making me go into the middle of them. In a quick swift motion I took my shirt off and fell once again onto her lips, grinding on her. She kept kissing me furiously, bringing her hips upwards towards mine and I pinned both her hands onto the bed

When You Look Me In the Eyes (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now