XXII : Puddy

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It's been a few weeks into summer break now.. the days have gone by so slowly and so heavy.. The climate was so goddamn hot..

Covered in sweat, I reach for my fridge to get a fresh drink while my music was on blast from my bedroom.. my mom was out still working and Maddie, like she always was, was at Frankie's house playing with him

I heard a knock on my front door and look at it to see Nick open the door

- Hey.. just checking on you - he smiled

His curls were wet and his face loooked tired

- I'm melting.. also thinking about getting a cold water shower - I chuckled taking a sip of my drink - Oh my god this is so good.. want?

He nodded and got inside closing the door behind him - Your house is colder than ours.. and we have fans - he laughed it off

I giggled and kept drinking while looking at him, he picked up the cup and leaned on the counter - So.. what have you been doing?

I put my cup on the sink and started washing it - Not much.. besides melting.. how the fuck did the world turn into an inferno all of the sudden - I giggled turning to look at him

His eyes darted upwards to my face as soon as I turned around and I gasped - were you checking me out, Nicholas?

He drank a little from his cup as I cleaned my hands with a towel

- No.. that's Joe's pick up line, sugar..

I bust out laughing - You can't avoid my question like that!

He came closer to me and put the cup behind me in the sink, getting so close to my face that I could see his skin pores and perfect imperfections

- What if I was checking you out? I don't know how I've never noticed it before.. but yeah.. you're hot as hell..

I gulped and felt my heart skip a thousand beats when he finally stepped away with a smirk on his face

I turned around and cleaned his cup

I'm hot! Am I? Is he altered from the heat? What's happening?

I heard a chuckle from him, which made me turn around

- Can I ask you.. something? - he asked rubbing his neck

- Y-Yeah.. I.. yeah.. what's up? - I stuttered

He came closer and grabbed my hand while pressing our foreheads together

I felt like the world stopped for a second.. what was he gonna say? Why so much suspense? What is happening?

- Can I fuck you? - he said

I leaned back frowning - What the fuck?

He laughed and took me in his arms - I'm kidding.. I don't need to ask that.. I could've done it many times before

- Fucking asshole! - I say getting away from him - You're not gonna fuck me not even in a million years

He laughed and put a hand on my waist, engulfing me in a kiss.. he kept kissing me, but not in a horny way.. in a loving way.. in a careful way.. like he didn't want me to get scared and run away

- You're puddy in my hands Demetria, and I love it like that - he whispered against my lips

- Fuck you.. I hate you

- I love you too - I heard him say while kissing me one last time and pulling me with him - Come here..

We went outside to my porch where he sat me down.. he sat next to me and picked up a guitar that he probably brought with him

When You Look Me In the Eyes (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now