VIII : Words Like a Loaded Gun

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As soon as I saw Demi shut her window and walk away, I did the same.. I was so done with her bullshit

I threw myself in the bed and sighed with a lot going through my mind.. Hearing a soft knock on the door, I yell "yeah?" and my mom opens it, asking if she can come inside

- Yeah.. sure. What's up? - I asked sitting straight

She sat on my bed and rubbed my knee - What happened between you and Demi? - she asked with a small smile on her lips

I rolled my eys and leaned my head against the wall - It's nothing mom.. stupid things..

She sat straighter - Don't you want to tell me?

I shook my head and she nodded - You two have always found your way to each other.. - she chuckled - don't stress about it

I nodded not feeling sure that she was right..

This time, I wasn't going to apologize... and if I wasn't going to do it, then no one would

- Well, Joe went out with some friends and Kevin is out with his girlfriend, so we're just 4 at the table...

I nodded and she stood up

- Oh, one more thing.. - she turned around - Frankie is playing outside with Maddie.. you should watch your brother

I rolled my eyes - I don't want to, mom!

She chuckled - Should have been born first then

She walked out of my room and I got up to fold some clothes to put them in my wardrobe since they were in the corner in a pile

I fold everything and get a shirt, so I could walk out towards Maddison and Frankie

They were in the street playing with chalk.. drawing and laughing.. Old memories of me and Demi doing the same thing came back and a smile spread in my lips

We had an amazing childhood together and I wouldn't trade it for anything

Maddison came closer to me and gave me a piece of blue chalk so I could play with them

I wasn't really wanting to do it but I knew they would do a fit if I didn't play along, so I drew a guitar

Someone came closer to us and sat by my side against a car.. I looked up and Demi was looking the other way.. she had her glasses on and her hair was short again.. which was odd...

Maddie also gave her a piece of chalk but in yellow, and Demi rolled her eyes

Looking towards her house, I see her mom waving at me and smiling..

They planed this..

Our moms always loved to see us together.. they hated seeing us mad so they sometimes gave a little push..

Demi started drawing lines furiously next to me spelling the word "ASSHOLE" in capital letters and throwing it on the ground

- What did you draw Demi? - Frankie asked innocently

- Your brother - she fake smiled and then crossed her arms

I threw my chalk down and got up - Why are you freaking being like this?! - I shouted

She stood up and stomped her foot on the ground - Because you were a motherfudger! You are super selfcentred! You don't even know me! You don't know my problems, you don't know what happens behind your back, you don't know ish! And yet here he is! Mr. Cyrus always protecting his precious baby girl! - she yelled back at me

When You Look Me In the Eyes (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now