IX : 360 Turn

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Weeks passed by and me and Nick were each day drifting more appart, which was great just for the fact that it was helping me forget him.. a little..

The bad side was that we no longer had the connection used to have..

Our families were always together, specially our moms.. we often had dinner all together at his house and normally, I would spend my time with Joe..

Joe has been really supportive and helped me with any sorts of things.. he also grew closer and closer to me, Addy and Amber..

He in some sort of way, kind of replaced Nick.. but he was older so he wasn't in our class..

Amber was closer and closer to Nathan, but also Addy..

I was seeing my life doing a 360 turn, but for the worst

Nick has been hanging out more and more with Miley, Selena and their group.. he still went with me home but we usually didn't talk much..

We never talked about what happened.. he never even mentioned anything..

He was a pussy..

I thought I had forgot him, but I was wrong.. I just threw them aside..

I wasn't specially prepared for what happened today..

We were all in class. Selena was bitching about Miley and Nick being the cutest and it was starting to be annoying..

Soon enough, right before the teacher started class, we heard a knock on the door..

- Sorry, we're late.. - I heard him say

I turned around and looked at him in the face.. he had a hickey on his neck and he looked flustered.. his hair was messy in the back of his head..

Miley came behind him all flustered as well and a big smirk on her lips

They sit together behind Selena as she asked something.. Miley nodded and Selena freaked out

I turn to Addy and she had a concerned face.. Nick and Miley were official..

- I'm fine - I immediately say rolling my eyes

I was not fine at all.. I thought I was over him, but I wasn't.. My heart was being crushed.. he couldn't say no to me, but he could say yes to her.. he couldn't answer me, his childhood best friend, but he could kiss and make out with Miley..

I didn't notice I was crying until I felt a wet tear roll down my cheek.. I quickly cleaned it up and cleared my throat while shifting in my seat

I was so uncomfortable all of the sudden.. I was feeling so weird.. My head was spinning and I couldn't pay atention to class..

We continued our class and then went through the next one.. thank god Nick didn't ask me anything or came to me.. nor Miley

A few days passed by and everything was the same... it was now Friday but I was feeling the same pain in my chest..

I was tired..

Addy and Amber were mad at eachother since they discovered they both had the hots for Nathan, and Joe was sick in bed so I was going to visit him..

When You Look Me In the Eyes (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now