XXIII : Drop It

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It took him 17 years.. but he is finally mine..

I couldn't believe it was reality.. it's been 12 years of loving him in secret and knowing all the girls he went out with..

For him.. it was just a year.. to me it was 12 years of pure hell, to finally get heaven

Both me and him sat down on my bed while I cleaned my happy tears

- You didn't need to make all of this.. - I said looking at him - a simple question would be fine

He chuckled - I know you since literally forever.. I know you, like the palm of my hand.. you love cheesy, and I don't mind being cheesy

I smiled and looked down leaning on his shoulder - And.. what made your mindset change all of a sudden?.. about us..

He took a deep breath and intertwined our fingers on each other - I don't know.. you are right.. we are indeed meant to be.. always have been.. there's still just a part of me that's scared of losing you.. of this ending up wrong..

I frowned and pulled away looking at him - there is, or there was?

His face fell and he started to panic.. - I still don't know.. I... I'm confused..

- Then why did you change your mind? - I asked now sitting up on the bed

- Because, like I said, we were made for each other.. and that is obvious.. I just.. I have to stop stressing and trust myself.. I feel like I'm going to fuck up..

He looked away and then back at me while I took a deep breath

- You better not hide anything from me Jonas! Do you hear me? - I said pointing at him with my finger

He smirked and reached out for me, pulling my body towards him - Whatever you want m' lady, now come to your first boyfriend.. come on

I chuckled out loud - At least I waited.. I'm like.. your fourth.. or fifth..

He rolled his eyes - You're the first real big deal.. how about that?

I bit my lip - I'll take it

He pulled me into his arms and started tickling my hips making me laugh uncontrollably

I was in cloud 9.. I was in a dream and I really didn't want to wake up from it..

Nick and I at first didn't tell any of our moms since even we were getting used to us being real..

One day, me, Nick, Joe, Nathan and Addy went to a public outside pool where there were lots of kids from every age

Me and Nick acted mostly like best friends.. nothing in our relationship changed in the way we acted.. so much so that some girls started hitting on him and Joe

They were cute so I could do nothing but see how Nick would react.. I didn't know what to do

Addy touched my arm and smiled - Chill Demi.. they have got nothing on you..

- I'm cool - I said looking back at her - I just can't stop staring at them - I laughed it off

- He only has eyes for you - Nathan said leaning behind Addy

- It's not that simple.. he doesn't only have eyes for me.. - I said through gritted teeth turning to stare back at them

- What do you mean? - Addy asked

I looked back at them and saw Addy's confused expression - Well... he.. he's not a 100% sure he really likes me.. like.. I don't know how to explain.. - I sighed looking back and seeing a girl touching Nick's arm and him laughing with Joe

When You Look Me In the Eyes (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now