XVIII : Mind

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- Demi.. - I said opening the door

My eyes widened as I saw her crying on her bed, her shirt up showing me her panties entirely..

She kept crying as I sat down next to her body.. I couldn't bring myself to say anything.. I was scared of what was going to happen now..

- Get the fuck out please.. - I heard she mumble while sobbing

I shook my head and swollowed the lump in my throat - Demi, everything she said was a lie..

Demi turned around sitting up, which made a few buttons from her shirt unbutton at the collar, giving me a perfect look at her cleavage, which I didn't notice at first..

- Oh really? Nothing?

I put my hand on her leg - Demi, I didn't end up with Miley for her.. I've told you this already

She shook her head and stood up cleaning her tears - You didn't broke up with her for me either.. Nick, - I heard while looking down as I felt her go towards the window - I can't feel like this.. what irritates me is that, I have no right in being jealous.. you're not mine.. I can't scold you for hanging out with other girls... you're not mine.. I can't tell people that you actually feel something for me because you don't even know yourself what you feel for me..

I looked up at her and took a deep breath.. she's right.. we are nothing but a complete mess.. we are together but we're not.. why can't I just say yes?.. what's holding me back?

- What is stopping you, Nick? - she asked turning around making me look at her tear stained cheeks and her watered eyes - Why can't you tell me you love me? - She asked once again approaching me while breaking down in sobs

- Demi.. I

- Am I not good enough? Am I not enough? - she asked grabbing my arms to shake me while she broke down in sobs on her knees right in front of me

- Demi, stop.. - I said closing my eyes and holding her hands, taking them off of my arms

She moved her hands and I opened my eyes, watching her put my hand on her breast, my fingers softly touching her skin. I widened my eyes and looked up into her eyes waiting for her to speak again

- Please make me good enough for you.. please take me - she whispered holding my hand on her breast with her own hand

- Demi.. I can't.. We can't..

She interrupted me and kissed me hardly. In a quick motion, both of us fell onto the bed kissing, my hand now falling to help me lean on the bed, while she stayed on her hands and knees

I wanted so badly to stop her but I couldn't find the strength to do it. Demi broke our kiss and started unbuttoning my shirt. I took in some breaths and gulped

- Demi what are you doing? - I finally asked just when she took my shirt off

She didn't give me an answer, instead, she took her own shirt off and went back to kiss me. She ran her hands down my chest softly and I grew more and more nervous as she started to go further down

When she reached my belly button area, Demi took one of my hands and put it on her butt, "telling" me she wanted me to leave it there

I placed my other hand on the other side of her ass, and she pulled her hands on my chin

She seemed excited that I was cooperating.. but deep down in my heart, in my head, something was screaming for me to stop.. I had something holding me back..

When You Look Me In the Eyes (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now