VII : Diferent Points Of View

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After Demi running away, I felt like hitting a wall.. fucking doing her stupid bullshit again.. she never even tried to accept Miley.. I knew she wasn't the most saint person in the world but Demi didn't even tried to give her a chance..

Everybody was looking at me, including Miley who was trying to see if I was going after Demi

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat closing my eyes

I started walking towards the changing rooms following Addy and Amber

- Where are you going, Mr. Jonas? - the teacher asked

I turned around and cleared once again my throat - D.. My pair is not doing class.. and neither am I - I said feeling frustrated

I turned back around and walked away.. getting dressed, I went outside towards the school bar to get an ice tea

- Fucking bullshit - I cursed under my breath reaching a table and picking up my phone.. Demi's face popping up instantly as my wallpaper

 Demi's face popping up instantly as my wallpaper

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- Ughh - I roll my eyes putting my phone down

Why did this have to happen?

I finish my drink and walked towards my next class and from afar, I see two people hugging

As I got closer and closer, I finally realized that it was Nathan and Demi

My blood boiled.. my chest puffed..

"Get your fucking hands off of her!" I thought

Before breaking the hug, he did what I always did..

He kissed the top of her head, rubbing her back

I clenched my jaw as I watch them pull back and sit side by side on the bench

I stood there, against a wall trying to not get caught, spying on Demi and this guy.. he had his arm around her while she cried


For me..

I hated seeing or making Demi cry, but in this case, she had no reason to be like this.. her nasty comments weren't needed.. everyone goes around Demi when she's sad.. but if the roles are reversed, everyone would say "Nick, deal with it"!

She was never there for me.. always against me.. I was done with this..

When we got inside the room, I sighed looking around. Demi was already next to Addy so Amber called me, and I sat besides her who was on the other side of the room

I sat and prepared my things.. Amber didn't even try to talk me.. she sat quiet and in full atention to our class

I looked to my right and saw Demi.. she was with her head down writing and scribbling

When You Look Me In the Eyes (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now