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Dear Kayla,

We all miss you.

Everything seemed to be at a stand still when you got on that flight to London and left Beacon Hills. However, I knew that this town brought awful memories to you so I got why you left. You also got to see Jackson and your adoptive parents.

Another supernatural threat came to town: werewolf hunters, berserkers, a guy with no mouth, and a list of all the supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills where if you killed them you got a certain amount of money. Derek also turned back into his young self, but now he's gone and I don't know when he's coming back. Kate Argent also came back – as a were jaguar. She turned Scott into a berserker, but he's better now. You were on the kill list – the highest one actually – but of course they couldn't find you and Scott almost died because they tortured him on your whereabouts.

Scott also bit a freshman, his name's Liam Dunbar and now he's Scott's beta. We also met Hayden and Mason who are pretty cool. I'm also dating Malia now; she's amazing. She can be a bit...abnormal at times, but I really like her.

And lastly with Scott, he's happy with Kira. He finally moved on like you told him to and he did. He says to me you'll always have a place in his heart, but he supported your decision even if he didn't agree with it at first.

Senior year's coming up and there's still no word from you. I really hope you come back for your final year of high school; we still have prom and graduation to go through. Remember Scott, mine, and your's pact in 6th grade? We wrote down in the little contract we made and said 'We will stick with each other throughout high school and graduate together'. I still want that Kayla, I miss you. Everyone misses you. If you do decide to come back, please contact me or even anyone.

I know you don't want to hear his name, but there hasn't been any word from Isaac. Chris came back to help us, but Isaac didn't come with him. He told me, however, that Isaac misses you and will always love you.

I wish the best for you and hopefully you respond to this letter since you won't answer any of your calls or texts.

Love you Kayla <3


Stiles set the pen down and stood up with the envelope in his hands. He missed his best friend so much, it hurt. He looked up from the envelope and stared at the picture on his desk with him, Scott, and Kayla the first day of Freshmen year. Kayla was the one he went to when he needed girl advice, or when he needed help with school, or when he needed help with his anxiety. Kayla was always there. Yes, he did have Scott, but lately he's been spending most of his time with Kira because of the new blossoming love they had.

Stiles went downstairs and outside to the mailbox. He slid the envelope in and whispered, "Come home Kayla."


they are so brotp i can't right now. this was a lowkey depressing start, but things will be happy

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