two; new beginnings

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"I feel like a mom taking their child to school," I smiled to myself as I parked the car in a spot.

Liam huffed and slung his backpack over his shoulder. "You're literally two years older than me!"

We both got out of the car and I locked it up. I went over to Liam and pinched his cheeks, "You're more of a four year old to me."

Liam stopped me when we were in front of the school. He shifted his backpack on his shoulders and asked, "What made you leave Beacon Hills in the first place? No one ever told me why."

I mentally curse Liam for asking that dreadful question I was waiting for to be asked. Liam notices my discomfort and quickly starts to ramble. "I – I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable–"

"It's fine," I cut him off. "Someone I loved a lot just left me, that's why. Needed to get away."

Liam nods and looks behind me. He groans, "I'm going to go now. Have fun!"

Liam bolted before I could say anything. I turn around and see Theo smiling at me; he waves and I wave back. I didn't know what to really think of him now. Stiles didn't want to trust him just yet, but Scott was willing to give him a chance.

"Hey," He comes up to me and we start walking together. "It's really good to be back, but I know Stiles doesn't trust me."

"He will," I reassure him. "Just give him time; everyone that we've trusted just turned their backs on us."

We stopped by a classroom and I looked at him when he started to walk in. "You got AP Biology?"

Theo nodded and smiled when I sat down next to him at the table. "Guess we'll be seeing each other a lot now."

The bell rang and Scott, Kira, and Lydia sat down two rows in front of us. I hope they were fine with the idea of me sitting with Theo; he needed a friend to be with for the first day of school. I was, however, surprised to see Scott in this class. He was the true alpha and being that made him miss school a lot.

"Welcome to AP Biology. Let's see who's awake." Great, Mrs.Finch was one of those teachers who did work on the first day. "Can somebody tell me what plasmids are?"

"Circular, self-replicating, DNA models. Often used in cloning proteins," Lydia was of course the one to answer.

"Nicely stated Lydia," Mrs.Finch complimented her. "Now, can you tell me what vitamin is absorbed in the stomach via parietal cell productions of a glycoprotein?"

Lydia stammered as she didn't know the answer. Mrs.Finch answered 'B-12' and looked at Scott next. "Mr.McCall did you know the answer?"

"Um, no," Scott truthfully stated. I don't think any of us knew the answer.

"It's a common test question," Mrs.Finch had a look of disappointment in her eyes. It's the first day lady, chill. "What's your number one college pick?"

Theo nudged me and I looked over at him. "I feel threatened by her."

I laughed quietly and nodded my head in agreement. After Mrs.Finch was done talking to Scott, she looked at all of us. "Who else here thinks they're in the right class?"

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