fifteen; stuck in the middle

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Luck wasn't going their way as Kayla, Scott, and Liam still couldn't get through the mountain ash barrier. Time was running out and no new ideas were coming into play. There was, however, one way; it was a longshot and risky, but Kayla needed to do this to save Lydia.

"Guys...I'm sorry, but this is the only way."

Scott and Liam looked back at the blonde confused, but realized soon enough what she was doing. She was reaching out for her grim reaper side, trying to flip the switch on. Since the dread doctors activated this side, she was now able to cross mountain ash, but only when she was in full grim reaper mode.

"Kayla don't!" Scott ran up to her, but it was too late. Her eyes were their pure black color.

She pushed him out of the way and stepped through the mountain ash with ease. Her fighting senses picked up as she realized the hellhound was here. Kayla ran through the hall until she came to an end. Theo's pack was lying on the ground all wounded with Parrish standing over them. He was still however, not moving one muscle.

Theo was the first to spot her when he turned around and heard someone new walk in. He saw the darkness filling up her eyes and knew he had to get her out of it.

He walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Hey! You need to get out of this, don't let the darkness control you."

Kayla didn't answer, but she threw his hands off of her shoulders and pushed him against the wall. She started to walk to the broken down door where Stiles was following Lydia and Valack. Theo got up swiftly and ran towards Kayla, grabbing her arm and turning her around. He knew it was a risk because anyone could see them, but he needed her to be herself again. His lips quickly connected with hers, hoping this was the way to bring her back.

Kayla's mind started to have a war like it did just minutes ago; the light and dark fighting to have control of her. Luckily, Theo was her light, and he was bringing her back to herself. Her eyes became their bright blue, settling the darkness in her yet again.

Theo slowly pulled back and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "You good?"

She nodded carefully and kept Theo's hand in hers. He motioned towards the door as he wasn't finished with his plan, "Follow me. We need to get back to Stiles."

There were more hallways they had to run through. Kayla could hear Stiles' breathing as they neared him. Theo agreed to allow her to talk to him first, be open to the idea of Theo coming with them.

"Stiles." He turned around at the sound of his name and sighed in relief when he saw it was Kayla and not Theo. "Let me help you."

"Lydia says that we're all going to die," He tells her. "I want to protect as many people-"

"I'm helping you," Kayla cut him off; she wasn't going to let him run around all vulnerable. "And so is Theo."

Stiles rolled his eyes as he walked around the corner. He wanted to question why he was with Kayla, but that was for another time. Stiles was about to reject, but Theo held out his hands, "I want her out of here too. I've got her scent."

"Kayla can help me out just fine," Stiles motioned for her to follow him.

"She's too weak right now. I found her trying to find you, so I helped her." Theo knew this was the time to give a made up reason for how he found Kayla.

Kayla nodded at his lie and added on to it, "He can find her Stiles, I can't. The orderlies got a hold of me, but I luckily escaped. I know Theo isn't your favorite person in the world right now, but it's Lydia we're talking about here."

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