seven; underground

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The only sound that could be heard in the room was Kayla's light breathing. She was still alive, but barely. As the blonde was out cold, the dread doctors did multiple experiments on her; they had failed on trying to get her dark side back out.

Kayla had finally woken up after many hours passed out. She looked up and saw she was on a metal table. The room was dimly lit and next to the table she was on was medical supplies. She saw a scalpel with blood on it and looked down at her stomach; it was healed, but blood was smeared around that area. She started freaking out as she remembered that the dread doctors took her.

"Hello?" Kayla called out, hoping someone could hear her. "Can anyone hear me?"

No answer.

She realized she wasn't strapped down so she slowly gets up. Kayla didn't hear anything so she was in the clear...for now. Her feet shuffled across the floor and into the other room. Bodies were floating in cylinder tubes that stretched from the floor to the ceiling; Kayla wanted to throw up.

Another memory then flashed before her eyes and she all of a sudden felt more alive. The memory she remembered was Theo kissing her. It was such an electric kiss that made Kayla feel something since Isaac. She touched her lips gently and swore the kiss was still on her lips.

"Stop thinking about Theo," Kayla groaned as she snapped back into focus. "This is a do-or-die situation."

Kayla looked around on the shelves and saw multiple books on it. They had dates written on them, so she concluded they were entries about the dread doctors patients. She opened the most recent one, and in very messy handwriting was her data entries:

 She opened the most recent one, and in very messy handwriting was her data entries:

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"How do they know about Theo?" Kayla questioned aloud. "And what do they want with me?"

A door opened and the dread doctors came in. Kayla turned around and her eyes widened as she quickly put the book back on the shelf. She saw that they had left the door open so she made a run for it. As she neared her freedom, a gloved hand wrapped around her neck and threw her back onto the ground.

"Leave one more time," The dread doctors stood over her. "And we will kill you. Now, time for more tests."

A syringe got injected into her neck and Kayla fell back onto the ground.


She dreamed of her friends. She wondered if were doing anything, trying to find her right now. Kayla wondered who would be looking for her more; the first name that came to her head was Theo.

Indeed, he was making his way to the dread doctors lair. Theo knew that they took her, she wouldn't just go missing out of the blue. He was absolutely furious with them, they said they wouldn't touch her. Theo barged into the lair with hatred written all over his face, "Where is she?"

Only one of the dread doctors were out in the main room, writing more information about Kayla and her condition. He ignored Theo as he came up to him. "I asked a question."

"We're examining her right now," It finally answered. "You must leave."

Theo didn't obey him and turned around to the door that led into the room where Kayla was in. He opened the door and saw that they were cutting open her wrists. They took some of her blood and Theo yelled at them to stop. The dread doctor outside took Theo and threw him back; the door closed and locked.

"You know I like her! You said you wouldn't hurt her!" Theo said from the ground, blood smeared across the left side of his mouth

The dread doctor realized that he could leave right now and get the whole pack to come after Kayla. "Theo...if you tell anyone she's here...we kill her."

Theo clenched his fists before retreating backwards. He knew it was wrong to just leave, but it was better than Kayla getting killed. The door closed behind the chimera and locked so no one else would get in.

Back in the room, Kayla's wrists were healing up, but scars would be left. She would have to live with the memory of this everyday. The dread doctors backed up as Kayla slowly opened her eyes, but instead of their bright blue color, they were was pitch black.

"Success," One of the figures standing over her stated. "It's back. Chain her back up."

Kayla felt the hands of the dread doctors lift her up and take her back to the other room where the people in the tubes were. She laid her head back on the wall; she was so done with everything. The dread doctors left after that, Kayla had no idea what time it was or even what day.

Her eyes started to close and became heavy, and in that moment she didn't now if she was ever going to wake up from this endless nightmare.


sorry for the long wait, but here you guys go! i like how i could just write during this chapter and not watch the episode. and also, is kayla's grim reaper side fully back?

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