fourteen; mission impossible

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Kayla knew they had turned her grim reaper back on when she was running through the hospital. The lights were flickering above her, the feeling of death practically surrounding her. It was like she was chasing after something, but she didn't know what. As Kayla turned a corner, she almost ran into Parrish who was also sprinting down the hallways. There was no time for questions, however, as he continued to run. Kayla followed after him, knowing that she needed to catch him no matter what.

The beast that had been roaming around Beacon Hills came out of nowhere and threw Parrish through a window before he could make any moves. Kayla followed him through the door, going to end him so he didn't pose as a threat anymore. However, Parrish's body ignited into flames; he reached out to Kayla and threw her against the wall.

"Finis-le (end him)." Kayla stated to the beast.

The beast hit at Parrish's head; he was out cold within a second. Kayla's eyes all of a sudden shut tightly, but then reopened as her eyes were their normal blue. She looked at the beast who thought he had enough of Parrish. It retreated back and fled the scene.

"Parrish." Kayla tried maneuvering around the rubble towards him, but she was too weak. Movement came from outside of the room and a flash of light. "We're in here!"

Sheriff Stilinski came running inside and helped Kayla up, before going over to Parrish. She went outside and saw Stiles and Scott there as well.

"Why are you here?" Stiles asked, but after a thought, he knew exactly why she was here. "Oh. Never mind."

Kayla looked and saw Scott distracted from paying attention to them. He was looking at the blood footprints left by the beast. At first, they were the claw prints. But then, it turned into the bottom of shoe; the beast was just a regular boy.


"Are you sure no one will catch us in the library?" Kayla asked in between kisses.

Theo pulled away for a moment and shook his head. "People don't even come to the library now; we're fine."

She nodded and kissed him again, her back pressed against a bookshelf. Theo gripped her waist and started to trail his kisses down to her neck. Kayla all of a sudden pushed him away, hearing two familiar voices. Theo heard it too and motioned for her towards the front of the library. He quickly grabbed a book and began to read it.

Kayla watched as Stiles and Scott spotted Theo, their reactions to seeing him being hateful. They were talking about getting Lydia out of Eichen, which they were doing tonight. Kayla was supposed to kick anyones ass if they got in their way.

"Hey you guys." The blonde acted like she had just walked in, making sure to stop smiling when she saw Theo. "Oh. It's you."

Theo smiled and placed the book back on the shelf. "Nice to see you too Kayla." He pushed past them and gave the two boys a final warning, "It's either we work together or we see who gets her first."

Kayla knew she should be against Theo right now because he was still going up against her pack. She wanted to hate him still, but she couldn't.

"I'm so glad you two broke up," Stiles patted her back and walked with his two best friends to the exit.

Oh the irony of that sentence.

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