eleven; aftermath

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Kayla didn't get much sleep as her phone started chiming with text messages coming through. She looked and saw that Stiles was texting her, asking her to come to the hospital because Theo put him there. Yet another reason why she should hate him. Kayla snuck out without Scott realizing and drove herself to the hospital. Once she got in there, she saw Stiles looking off into the wall, tears threatening to come out of his eyes.

"Hey." Stiles looked up when he saw his blonde best friend sit down by him. "Come here."

Stiles let Kayla embrace him as he let his tears fall out of his eyes, "I can't lose him. I can't lose my dad."

"Looks like you won't," Melissa came up to the two. She kneeled down in front of them and continued, "He's okay. Dr.Geyer is stitching him up right now. "

Stiles started to get up, "I wanna see him."

"Okay okay," Melissa nodded her head, but sat him back down. "The anesthesia needs to wear off. It's gonna be at least two hours."

"Okay, yeah, but everything's going to be okay though, I mean, he's okay?" Stiles rambled on.

Melissa sighed as she reassured Stiles again that he was fine. She left to go check on him again, leaving Stiles and Kayla alone again.

"I feel like this is my fault," Kayla spoke up after sitting alone for a couple moments. "I mean...I dated him. Now, you're dad's in the hospital because I didn't listen to you-"

"It's fine," Stiles cut her off. "Yes, you didn't listen to me, but Theo didn't play you. He was actually genuine and kind to you. With Scott, he believed all his lies and Scott believed Theo when he said that I killed Donovan. You were there for me when Scott wasn't, so I'm not mad at you."


Two hours had passed and Stiles still wasn't able to see his father. He rushed behind the doors to where his dad's room was, Kayla following swiftly behind just to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid. When it came to his dad, Stiles went a little overboard; sometimes you do crazy things for the people you love. Kayla walked by Mr.Stilinski's room and saw his neck all bruised and almost like beaten up.

"You need to tell him what's happening," Kayla sighed as she approached Dr.Geyer and Melissa. "He's about to lose it."

Melissa sighed and looked up at Stiles. "We don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Stiles asked, already starting to get angry. "Two hours ago he was fine, now it looks like someone took a baseball to his neck."

Dr.Geyer stayed silent, knowing the young boy was not going to like this. "There could've been something minor internal."

"Did you say Minor internal? Since when is anything minor internal?" Stiles asked getting fed up with not getting any exact details.

"Can't you run more tests?" Kayla suggests.

"We don't know what's happening. I'm sorry."

Stiles looked through the door window and saw Scott looking at his dad. Rage surges through him as he bursts through the door and tackles Scott to the ground. Kayla follows as she knows Scott's still hurt.

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