ten; supermoon

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Smoke started to fill up the jeep as Stiles slowed down to a stop in an unknown neighborhood. They had been driving for a while now, the human boy ranting to Kayla about Scott and his morals.

"No!" Stiles slammed the jeep to a stop and started to cough continuously. The two got out of the car and Kayla waited in the front as Stiles grabbed the tool box.

She watched worriedly as he threw the hood open, thinking for a moment before throwing the box of wrenches on the ground. "Stiles."

He ignores her, grabbing the bloodied wrench in his car and goes to throw it in the woods, but stops. Stiles turns back to his car and chucks the wrench at the window shield. It shatters, sending a few pieces Kayla's way. She luckily dodges them and watches a distraught Stiles slide down the side of his jeep and sit on the road.

Kayla sits down by him, wrapping her arm around his shoulders. He rests his head on hers, finally letting go of his tears that he had just lost his brother.


The sun had finally risen, bringing a fresh new day to the teenagers who had slept a couple hours in the jeep. Stiles watched as his car got towed away, wondering if he was ever going to see it again. Malia had come to pick up Stiles, but Kayla didn't want to go with them. He had told her just an hour ago that he was planning on breaking up with Malia and she didn't want to be in the car for that. So, she called Theo and he said he was right on his way.

Theo's truck pulled up just a couple minutes after Stiles and Malia left. He got out of the truck and came over to her. "I got so worried about you last night; you never came back in."

"I went with Stiles," Kayla said as she got in the passengers seat. "Sorry, I should've texted you earlier."

"It's okay, you're here now." Theo placed his hand on hers on the center console again, this being his way of relaxing. "I think Hayden's going to die soon; Scott didn't give her the bite and Liam's all angry at him now. Melissa's trying to do whatever she can, but I really think there's no point."

Kayla was shocked Scott didn't try and save a life, which made her upset with him. Liam was his good friend and he should've done everything he could to help him. However, Kayla didn't want to talk about that, she wanted to talk about what Stiles had told her. "Why did you lie?"

Theo's eyes diverted his eyes to her, before going back to the road. "What are you talking about?"

Kayla released her hand from his, looking at him. "You told Scott that Stiles purposely killed Donovan. One, why were you even at the school; two, why did you lie?"

"I was at the school because I left my phone in the locker," Theo already had his lie set up. His cover wasn't going to be blown because of some scrawny human. "When I was walking past the library, I saw blood on Stiles' hands and Donovan dead. I know what I saw Kayla, it looked like murder."

She shook her head, not knowing if she should believe him or not. "No, it was self defense. Stiles would never kill anyone; you should've ran it by him before telling Scott."

"You're right," Theo nodded in agreement. "I'm sorry, it's just – I thought he killed him because Donovan was trying to kill his dad. I'm sorry though, I'll tell Scott."

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