six; taken

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The pack all looked down at the copies of 'The Dread Doctor' books. Lydia looked around at everyone and finally broke the silence, "My mom's book club usually has more wine."

"Well, they also probably didn't read books that cause violent hallucinations," Stiles remarked.

Kayla had read the book four times by now, but everyone thought she had just read it twice. She looked to her right and saw Theo already staring intently at her. She quickly looked away, but Lydia kept looking between the two.

Scott looked over at Kayla, "That's why Kayla's here."

"So none of us go running into traffic?" Kira asked, afraid of what she would see when she read this book.

Scott sighed, "Or worse."

"Like what happened to Judy," Kayla remembered from reading it. Everyone looked at her, confused to who Judy was. "Chapter fourteen."

Lydia picked up the book and looked over it. "Maybe I should have my mother read it. She might remember a girl with a tail leaping off the ceiling and attacking everyone."

"Yeah, if it works," Stiles was the one to bring up the possible fail of their plan.

"It has to," Lydia mumbled. "Because I think I saw them during my surgery. When I look at the cover of the's almost like..."

"A memory trying to surface," Theo finished her sentence. Everyone looked up at Theo, surprised he knew what Lydia was talking about.

"Isn't that what Valack wanted when he wrote?" Kira asked for clarification.

"If they did it to me, I want to know what they did," Lydia walks off with the book to a chair and sits down.

One by one the pack grabs a copy of the book and sits down. Kayla was about to sit down as well, but Lydia dragged her into the kitchen.

"Spill," Lydia whispered so the supernatural in the other room couldn't hear. "What happened between you and Theo?"

Kayla was taken aback by the question, but brushed it off. "Nothing. Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

Lydia scoffed, "Hm, I don't know, maybe because the looks you two give each other across the room?"

Theo stopped reading as he heard the two girls in the other room. He knew it was wrong, but decided to eavesdrop once he heard his name be mentioned.

"Okay maybe we gaze at each other from time to time, but nothing else," Kayla argued back.

"Just admit Kayla," Lydia urged her to tell the truth. "You're attracted to him!"

The blonde werewolf stayed silent before sighing, knowing Lydia was going to get the truth one way or another. "Okay yes, I'm attracted to him! But he can never find out okay?"

 "Okay yes, I'm attracted to him! But he can never find out okay?"

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