four; the dread doctors

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After a couple of minutes of sitting there in silence, Kayla walked over to Tracy's body and looked over her. Footsteps come down the steps; Scott and Stiles entered the room. They had gotten the information that their best friend was in the basement. The two were hoping she was able to help Tracy.

Scott was the first to enter the room. The first thing he spotted was Kayla looking over Tracy. His mind then flash backed to the blonde standing over his first love Allison. He didn't want to believe what he was seeing right now. "Did you–"

"No," Kayla quickly shakes her head. She already knew why Scott would think this. "I didn't kill her, I swear. It was someone else."

Scott looked around the room. "But there's no one else here."

"Believe her," Stiles defended her. Even though Kayla had worries her grim reaper side was coming back, Stiles knew she had it under control. "She didn't do it."

Sheriff and Deaton came in a couple seconds later. Deaton kneeled down next to Tracy and inspected her. Scott looked over at Kayla, "What the hell happened to her then?"

She closed her eyes, trying to remember what they looked like. It happened all too fast. "They, um, they had these masks. I think there were three of them – yeah there were three of them."

Everyone looked at the blonde skeptically as they remembered what happened to her six months ago. "It wasn't me!"

"She's not changing back," Deaton informed them, diverting the attention to him instead of Kayla. "We're going to need to get her out of here."

"I need to go," Kayla mumbled and ran out of the basement. She knew everyone was judging her and didn't believe her when she said there were three people who killed her. She ran up the stairs and stopped abruptly when she bumped into someone.

"Hey hey hey, you okay?" Theo asked as he still held her in his arms. He looked over up and down, seeing that she was on the verge of crying. "What happened down there?"

She  let a couple tears fall down her face. "They think it was me who killed Tracy, but I didn't. It was these three dudes with masks on."

Theo's heartbeat sped up a little and Kayla took some notice to that. Her being her, she blamed that on their very close proximity to each other. Theo calmed down his heart rate, knowing he couldn't expose himself, "I believe you Kayla."

"I feel like you're the only person I can really count on," Kayla admitted and it was true. Something was definitely changing between these two; Kayla, however, didn't know where this bond was leading to.

Theo smiled at her and nodded his head. "Same goes for you. You're the person who took me as me here, you trusted me and I appreciate that so much."

After Kayla gave him a smile, Theo pulled away and motioned for his car. "Hey, Lydia's heading to the hospital right now, need a ride?"

She accepted the offer and drove to the hospital with Theo. Kayla really hoped Lydia was going to be alright because she couldn't bare losing her. Before all the supernatural, they were close friends as she was dating Jackson. But when Scott became a werewolf and Allison came to town, everything changed and they just drifted apart. Once Theo and Kayla got to the hospital they ran in to see if anything happened with Lydia yet.

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