eight; reunion

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"Kayla," Liam whispered as he laid on the ground a couple feet from her. "Kayla!"

The blonde's eyes slowly opened to see the blue-eyed beta laying on the floor . His arm had something attached to it, injecting a liquid substance into him. She didn't know how long she was out, but why was Liam here? Her eyes travelled Hayden who was being worked on by the dread doctors.

"What the hell? Why are you here?" Kayla quickly sat up and scooted closer to Liam as she wasn't attached to anything.

"The dread doctors next target was Hayden," He began explaining. "Scott and them said we were going to catch one, but they brought Hayden because she was the bait. Everyone left and we were the only two in there; dread doctors came in and we ended up here."

"Everyone was so worried about you," Liam continued. "Especially Theo. He was all crazy at school yesterday and was begging Scott and Stiles to search day and night for you."

Kayla softly smiled at Theo's attempts to find her. He was growing on her, becoming more trustworthy everyday and she was beginning to have absolutely no doubts about him. An alarm started to blare overhead and one of the doctors came over to inject something into the tube that was attached to Liam. It looked at Kayla, before walking back inside the operation room.

"Stop!" Liam yells all of a sudden. Kayla looks back to see them about to inject something into her. "Please stop hurting her!"

With his short temper, Liam's eyes turn gold and he roars at the dread doctors. One of them comes over, simply knocks him out by kicking him, and walks back. Kayla holds his head in her hands, shaking him to wake up.

It only took a couple minutes for him to wake up, and he did just as Hayden was thrown to the ground beside them.

"Hey, you okay?" Kayla scoots over to her since she was in a worse condition.

Liam also tries his best to get as close to the brunette as possible. "Hayden? Hayden you okay?"

She pants heavily and holds her wound that was leaking black. "It hurts."

Liam holds out his hand, "Give me your hand. There's something Scott does, he can take away the pain. I've never done it before, but I can try."

He holds onto her hand tightly, but Kayla notice him struggling. No black veins appear on his hand and he sighs in defeat. "I'm sorry. Kayla, could you..."

The blonde nods immediately and takes Hayden's hand, taking the pain away. She tried to do as much as she could, but soon it got unbearable and she released their hands.

"Thank you," Hayden tells her. She looks around confused though, still wondering what the hell was going on. "Why are they doing this to us?"

Liam shook his head and held onto her hand again. "I don't know."


Kayla wanted to give the two sophomores some alone time, it being obvious they were held over heels for each other. She wasn't a fan of third wheeling, so she decided to do a little snooping. She reached a shelf where there were books about all kinds of supernatural creatures. Her eyes landed on Grim reapers. The book wasn't too long - around 80 pages of information - but it was short compared to the werewolf one. She opened the old, run-down book and flipped to one of the back pages.

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