sixteen; everything has come undone

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Kayla looked in the mirror in the school bathroom and saw the dark bags under her eyes. Even with the layers of make up she tried to cover over it, it still wouldn't go away. All last night she had the urge to get up and go into the forest; luckily, she resisted it and stayed in bed. For a moment she wished Theo was there with her, but then her anger washed over again.

She swung the door open and headed down the hallways to her next class. She realized Theo wasn't here: again. With his whole plan to 'rule everything' he probably didn't have time for his studies. As Kayla walked by the library, she heard something about "blood bath" and "lacrosse game". She headed into the library and saw Liam, Lydia, Scott, and Stiles all huddled up on a table.

"Thanks for the invite," Kayla walked up to them carelessly. She saw Stiles' eyes widen at her presence. Her blue eyes found Liam's, knowing he'd tell her the truth. "What's going on Liam?"

"We didn't bring you in on the plan because we knew you would ruin it." Liam said immediately, causing glares from the others. He shrug his shoulders, "What? Kayla's our friend and we shouldn't hide anything from her. She deserves to know the truth."

Kayla smiled at him in thanks and turned to the others. "I can control myself. I did last night, I knew Parrish and the beast were out there."

"We think the dread doctors are planning to have the beast at the game," Scott told the blonde. "The kid who we believe is the beast has a 10 inch size shoe; we find the shoes, we find who the beast is. It's getting stronger everyday so we need to stop it as soon as possible. Our best bet is to cancel the game."

"Well I'm in," Kayla stated. "and no one's going to stop me."


Kayla and the rest of the Scooby Doo gang were all meeting in a classroom, getting ready for their plan. Scott turned to the newly member and looked at him, "Mason you know what to do?"

He nodded, "Corey and I break into the Devenford Bus and search their shoes."

"I take out the TV vans," Malia adds.

Stiles speaks up next to Kayla, "Right before the whistle blows, Coach forfeits the game."

"The rest of us are looking for a size 10 shoe with a bloody sole," Liam states.

Kayla looked up at Scott who was to her left. "What if this doesn't work? I mean, my crazy ex hurt you and you still haven't healed."

"He has," Kira smiles at her boyfriend and nods at him to show the group.

Scott lifts up his shirt and shows his stomach which is perfectly healed. "It happened the night we got Lydia out of Eichen House. We're all together now, we're a pack. We can do this guys; no one's dying tonight."


Kayla knew this night wasn't going to cooperate with them when Coach decided last minute not to forfeit the game. So, she was now on the hunt for the size 10 shoes with blood on them. She didn't understand why someone would keep the blood stained on their shoes, but who knows.

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