twelve; progress

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She was dreaming of a perfect life.

No supernatural, no deaths, no evil. Just her family, Theo, and her friends living a happy life. The thought of forgiving Theo flashed through her mind throughout the past couple of days, but she just couldn't bring herself to even say 'it's okay' to him. He had hurt her more than anyone ever has, she needed time to herself.

Kayla slowly opened her eyes and realized she definitely wasn't in her bed. Her eyes slowly opened to feel the cold ground beneath her. The sun was just starting to rise as she looked at her surroundings. Lights were flickering on and off, blood was on the floor, a gate was torn open, and a dead body laid a couple feet away from her. She quickly got up and scooted away from it, pressing her back against the wall. She looked down at her hands and saw that blood had dried on them.

"No no no." Kayla quickly stood up and fled the scene. She ran outside and found a hose, rinsing off her hands so she could call Scott.

"Hey what's wrong?" Scott answered immediately.

Kayla took a deep breath as the stench of death filled her. "I found a dead body."

The police came when Scott did, however she didn't know how they knew about the body – probably someone else called in. Scott arrived the same time they did, Parrish also coming up to the two. He said he would take Kayla for questioning so she could tell the actual truth.

"I honestly have no idea how I ended up here," Kayla sighed as she leaned against the truck they were behind. "I woke up and found blood on my hands and a dead body, but I know I didn't kill him. I just know."

Parrish took out his phone and pulled up a video for Scott and Kayla. "I believe you, because surveillance caught this."

The video showed the outside of this place when it was dark, but then a huge monster-like figure came running out. Scott's eyes widened, "That looked big."

"And too fat," Parrish added. "No one could get a good look at it. But you already know what it is, don't you?"

Kayla looked at Scott confused because he had that knowing look on his face. The alpha turned back to the place where the beast ran out and said, "The Last Chimera."

"Are we able to go back in there?" The blonde questioned.

Parrish shook his head, "No, but we're going to anyways."

The two teenagers followed the deputy inside and down the stairs. Kayla looked around and instantly felt chills run down her spine. The fact that she was here when that beast was there freaked her out.

Scott kneeled down next to the blood on the ground. "You still got a black light?"

Parrish nodded and handed it to Scott. He turned it on and shined it to the ground, black smoke appearing. "Mercury means chimera."

"Why kill a random technicians guy though?" Parrish asked as they followed Scott down the tunnel.

Scott shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe it just likes to kill."

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