eighteen; everything must come to an end

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Kayla still couldn't believe that one minue she saw Mason transform into the beast, and now it was some dude named Sebastien Valet. She was sitting the passenger's seat of a car that he stole from a guy who is now passed out outside.

"Do you even know how to drive this thing?" Kayla noticed his long stare at the dashboard and knew that they needed to get out of there quickly.

Sebastien closed his eyes and focused on memories of Mason using the car. He opened his eyes again and grinned, "Now I do."

He started the car and drove off as quickly as he could. Kayla sat back in the seat and watched the woods slowly disappear into bushes, and then they were on the road that led to the Animal Clinic.

"I've never seen someone like you before," Sebastien spoke first for once. "It's a great gift you have."

"People say I can have more power if I just embrace it," she responded to him. "But whenever I do think about it, my good switch flips back on."

Sebastien nodded and turned into the Animal Clinic. "Well...do it before it's too late."

They both got out and walked up to the only surviving Dread Doctor left. Sebastien walked up to it with a grim look on his face. It fell to the ground and he ripped off it's mask. Kayla couldn't believe what she saw: it's face was all Emperor Palpatine looking (yes, she was referencing Star Wars even in her dark state).

Sebastien seemed to know who this ugly creature was when he said, "Marcel...if this is what immortality looks like, I think you might have been misled."

"For you," The Dread Doctor groaned out. "All for you..."

"What did you do with it Marcel?" Sebastien questioned him. "Where is the pike?"

"The Argents..." The Dread Doctor took one last breath and fell to the ground.

Sebastien looked over at Kayla and nodded to the fallen doctor. "Take his energy away, it'll help with the grim reaper side."

Kayla nodded and knew exactly what to do; she did this with Barrow last year. She placed her hand on his chest and let his soul and energy seep into her. It felt good...too good.

They drove to the police station so Sebastien could find out where the Argents were. He told her to stay in another room since Sheriff Stilinski would question why she was with him. She looked around the corner and saw Sebastien walk in with Stilinski; if anything happened she would come in and stop him from taking Sebastien. Kayla then saw him slowly start to walk out of his office, but Sheriff Stilinski had his gun in his hand.

"Stop where you are!" Clark – Hayden's sister – suddenly stood up with the gun in her hand.

Sebastien looked back at his companion and motioned 'not yet'. Kayla watched in pain as she he got shot multiple times, before hitting Clark to the ground.

"Kayla now!"

The blonde ran from her hiding place and went up front where she ran into Hayden. The chimera looked at her confusingly, "Kayla? What are you doing here?"

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