thirteen; date night

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Scott and Stiles went to get Kira in the desert, so it was just Kayla and her two little sophomores today at school. Malia wanted to be alone for a while and Lydia was in Eichen House. She walked in between Mason and Liam in the hallways, heading to their next period.

"Attention students." The intercom above them comes on with a monotone man, who probably hated his front office job, spoke. "Mr.O'Quinn's classes are cancelled for today. If anyone knows of his whereabouts, please let the office know immediately."

All three of them slowly made a stop in the hallway, Mason smiling at the announcement. "Well that doesn't sound too ominous."

Kayla was about to respond, but stopped when she saw Liam giving a death glare at Hayden and Theo. Her heart told her Theo was just acting like this so Liam would get jealous, but her head told her that this wasn't an act. Her fists clenched and Mason stepped in front of the two.

"You guys, Scott said for you two to do nothing while he was gone." Mason tried reasoning with them, but so far it wasn't working. "Don't get involved."

Kayla watched as Theo smirked at them, turning back to Hayden afterwards. She should've left her for dead when she had the chance. She was about to go over there, but they started walking away. Kayla remembered when Theo would walk her to class; his hand on the small of her back or his arm around her shoulders. That thaw that they had yesterday was slowly freezing up again.

She walked away from Liam and Mason, telling them they would catch up later. Right now, however, she had Ms.Flemming...with Theo. Kayla ignored his gaze as she sat down beside him and got out her pencil.

"Has anyone seen Stiles or Scott McCall today?" Ms.Flemming started to hand out the test, sighing when she saw the two troublemakers not there. "Can't be the only one thinking it's coincidental they're both sick on the same day. Kayla?"

The blonde looked up and came up with the first thing that popped to her mind, "Stiles is with a sick family member a couple hours away and Scott got a really bad cut last night. Doctors orders for him to stay home."

She nodded, slightly believing her most successful student. "Lydia Martin isn't here either."

"She won't be a for a while." Everyone looked at Theo who had this look on his face. He noticed everyone's stared and quickly covered it up, "Medical issues."

The students went back to taking the test, but Kayla scoffed and whispered, "Acting like an evil sociopath."

"Oh come on, I thought we had a thaw," Theo nudged her in the arm but she quickly grabbed his elbow. "I think I bring out the sexiness in you."

Kayla let go of his elbow and rubbed her face. "Can you be serious for one minute?"

"Oh, so a serious topic? Like how you were in the school last night and I had to save you...again?"

This definitely caught the interest in Kayla. She whipped her head at him, confusion written all over her face. "I was sleeping in my room last night.

Theo shook his head "Tracy and I were looking for that beast last night. We were in the school and when the dread doctors came, so did the beast, along with you."

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