five; road rage

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After Malia had dropped Kayla off, she didn't go inside. A sense had washed over her that told her to go to the school. It was the grim reaper side acting up again, the blonde knew that for a fact. Death was in the air as she walked up to Beacon Hills High School. Kayla first saw Stiles' jeep and wondered why he was still here this late at night.

"Where are you Stiles?" Kayla mumbled as she tucked her hair behind her ear. The wind was alls he heard at first, but then metal clinking against each other and heavy breaths filled her ears. The library.

Kayla ran to the library and bursted through the doors. She gasped when she saw a guy with a huge metal rod through his stomach; he was pierced on it and hanging. Stiles turned around and his eyes widened when he saw his best friend standing there. Stiles didn't mean for this to happen; all he was trying to do was get away from Donovan before he could kill him.

"I – I didn't mean for Donovan was self defense," Stiles stuttered as he tried to explain his case.

Kayla listened to his heartbeat to just see if he was lying. She had a good reason since Donovan was wanting to kill his dad, so why not kill Donovan for your dad's life? Stiles' heart was beating fast, but it was because he was in shock and pain.

"I believe you; self defense," Kayla slowly walked over to the human boy who was still in shock. She placed her hands on his shoulders and made him look at her. "It was a mistake Stiles, you're not a killer."

Stiles pushed her hands off of him and walked towards the doorway. Before he opened the door, he turned back around with tears in his eyes. "Please don't tell anyone, they'll think I killed him because he threatened my dad. And please, don't tell Scott. He won't believe it was self defense."

Kayla nodded her head as she agreed not to tell anyone. The blonde walked over to Stiles and said, "I know you probably don't want company right now, but you need me right now. I can help you get through this."

The werewolf then started to heard faint siren sounds coming a mile down the road. Kayla grabbed Stiles' hand and ran outside to his jeep. Stiles fixed one more thing under the hood of his jeep before climbing into the car where his friend was already sitting.

Kayla looked down at her hands which were smeared in blood. She then looked at Stiles' hands who were also bloody. The human boy looked over at her hands and he breathed out loudly, "I'm sorry."

Kayla shook her head and waved him off. "It's fine, um it'll wash off."

A police car pulled up to the school; Stiles and Kayla making sure not to be seen. The police officer goes into the school and comes out in a minute to inform that there was nothing in the school.

Stiles turned on the radio in his car so we could find out exactly what they were saying. "I'm 10-97 and there's no one here. It's a 653."

"Roger that. It's a prank call. Return to your patrol," The guy on the other line stated. The police car drove away and Stiles started to breath heavily again.

Stiles turned his car on and looked over at Kayla. "I'm going to take you home."

Kayla nodded her head and didn't say another word on the drive back. She felt awful for her best friend; he would have to go through the torment she went through when Allison died.

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