seventeen; new acquaintances

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Kayla looked around at everyone as they came up with suggestions on how they could catch Mason. She knew he wasn't just going to be waiting for them, the dread doctors were also searching for him too; if anything they probably got him already.

Scott entered the room and loomed around at everyone. "My mom will check all the hospitals in the county. We can find him."

Now, Kayla loved Scott, but he was always saying something that they probably couldn't pull through with. Liam caught Kayla's senses and wondered about it too, "What happens then?"

"We find a way to save him," Scott tells his beta.

"Okay," Lydia nods her head. "Where else do we look?"

"We could ask Corey." Scott reaches for the thin air next to him and grabs something, that something being Corey. He was listening this whole time and Kayla didn't know how he hell he got in here.

Corey starts to panic and shakes his head, "Wait wait wait! It's not my fault. They took him and I couldn't do anything. They took him..."

"Who?" Scott interrupted him.

Corey's face grew pale as he muttered three words: "The Dread Doctors."

Everyone looked at Kayla who was watching a cardinal fly by outside. When she felt eyes on her, she turned back around and shrugged her shoulders, "What?"

"You might hate this idea," Stiles began with. "But you could be saving this whole town here."


"I hate all of you," Kayla whispered to Scott and Liam as they dragged her to the locker room. "You're buying me lunch this weekend."

Scott sighed and stopped just outside the locker room. " it 'nice' with him okay? He'll listen to you."

Kayla finally stopped resisting their grip and walked into the locker room first. Theo and Tracy turned around and he smirked, looking at Kayla before turning to Scott, "I told you we would end up on the same side."

"How about I punch you in the balls to remind you we're not?" Liam smiles proudly at his comment back.

Kayla rolls her eyes and states, "No one's punching each other; anywhere. Listen, we're not on your side, but you said you wanted Lydia. When we were in that room, you left with that mask didn't you?"

"Why? Are you worried about that?" Theo had his whole 'powerful and cool' act put into play, but deep down he didn't want to fight with Kayla. He needed her so badly and being in the same room with her wasn't helping him.

"Did you put it on?" Scott asks. Tracy looks up cautiously at Theo, which makes Scott's curiosity grow. "Who did you see?"

"Not Mason," Theo answers for him.

Liam slightly smiles as it may not be his best friend after all. "What's that mean? It's not him?"

"It probably means he's just a lost cause," Tracy spoke up. Kayla didn't know why, but just being in the presence around her made her very agitated.

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