three; inner circle

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Everyone continues to fight and the Oni look like they're winning. Kira was fighting two of them while Isaac and Allison were holding off the rest. One of them caught Isaac off guard and sliced his stomach. They continued to take shots at Isaac, blood spilling from his stomach. I stood up and went over to Allison who trying to help him.

I pushed her to the ground and stepped over her. "Whoops."

Allison quickly got up and pulled an arrow back, "I don't want to do this Kayla. I'm sorry about what happened with Isaac. We were such good friends before Kayla!"

I walk towards her as she takes steps back. "Sorry doesn't justify for what you did. You hurt me in so many ways possible. You two are both dead to me."

I pick up a sword that one of the Oni dropped and hold it in my hands. Allison diverts her attention over to Isaac for a split second and fires the arrow at on of the Oni. It goes into it's chest and it disappears into thin air. I look back at Allison, the sword pointing directly towards her.

"Kayla don't!" I hear Kira scream.

I thought about killing Allison for another moment, but it was too late. Another one of the Oni came up from behind me and thrusted the sword that was in my hands into Allison's stomach. I let go of it quickly as the Oni finished the job. It pulled out the sword and backed away. I did as well, making myself know that I was the cause of this. I look back at see Scott run up to the gate. He then runs over to Allison and cradles her in his arms.

I look back at Void who motions for me to follow him. I shake my head and run over to Isaac who's looking over at Allison. Once he sees me, he wraps his arms around me.

"It's my fault," I whisper as I cry into his shoulders. "It's my fault!"

My feet trips over something which causes me to wake up. I look behind me on the ground and scream when I see a man reaching his bloody hand out towards me.

"Kayla?" Lydia runs over towards me and helps me up. "Why are you here?"

I look around at my surroundings and see that I'm in the city. "I have no idea. I was asleep...and then I was here."

Lydia nods and looks back at Malia and Kira. "Call 911."

It took a couple minutes for the cops and ambulances to get here. Stiles and Scott also came, but I didn't have the chance to say anything to them as I was being questioned by a cop.

"I was just driving by," I lied to him. "Saw a body on the ground and called my friends, then you."

He jots down a couple more notes before thanking me and leaving. I look down at my phone and I swear for a split second I saw my eyes flash black. No, Isaac was gone, this shouldn't be happening. The grim reaper part was still apart of me, so maybe it'd just show itself from time to time. Isaac leaving was the only way I'd stop being dark Kayla for taking over the real me.

Stiles walks over to me and sits next to me on the hood of the car. "Want to tell me how you really got here?"

"I was having a nightmare, the night Allison died," I had no trouble telling Stiles what I was dreaming about because he was basically with me throughout the whole dark phase I went through. "I woke up when I tripped over the dude's arm. I don't know how I slept walked here, but since my other side brings death–"

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