one; guess who's back

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Beacon Hills was the same since I left. I had only been gone half a year, but it still seemed like forever since I left. London was a good getaway for me; with Isaac leaving and me going haywire, Beacon Hills just brought awful nightmares to me while I slept. Jackson had encouraged me to come back to this town after he read the letter Stiles' sent me. I got a new phone, but kept my old one. So when I looked on it in the London airport, my notifications were blowing up. Stiles texted and called a lot, there were also a lot from Scott. He was with Kira now, which I was happy for him. There was of course the voice in my head that whispered 'what if'. Scott would be the perfect boyfriend, I'll admit, but I could just never see us together.

Senior was starting tomorrow and my parents had already called the school to set everything up. Since I had gotten most of my credits last year for college (I finished Junior year online), I was able to come back to Beacon Hills High with no problems. However, all of my friends didn't know I was coming back. Jackson told me before I left that the night before, the Seniors write their initials on the bookshelves in the library. So, that's where I was heading now. I didn't know the reactions I would get from everybody; I said goodbye to no one except for Scott.

When I pulled into the school, Stiles' same old blue jeep was parked. I got out of my car and braced the rain as I walked towards the school.

"Of course," I mumble when I hear werewolf growls coming from the breeze way. That was also where Aiden died, but I couldn't bring up the bad memories that I had of this place.

My eyes glow a bright yellow as I run towards the noise. I saw Scott and Kira struggling with fighting a werewolf; however, I saw it's claws glow blue and knew he had to be something else. It was hard to see the guy in front of me with all the rain water going into my eyes, but I wiped them away and attacked. I dodged the first swing, but when I tried to claw at his stomach, he caught my arm. He threw me against the wall and I landed with a 'thud' onto the ground.

"Kayla?" Scott looked up and saw me still leaning against the wall.

I was about to shout at him to look out, but it was too late. The werewolf – or whatever he was – grabbed Scott by the neck and lifted him off the ground. I went over to Kira and helped her up. She mumbled a 'thanks' and I could already tell she felt awkward around me. A figure jumped down from the over hang; he was a werewolf too. All of us watched the fight in confusion as mystery dude started to actually win this fight. That was short lived however as he got thrown to the ground.

Stiles, Malia, and the kid who I presumed was Liam from Stiles' letters came running down the stairs. I looked back over at Scott who was trying to fight him again, but he put his claws that were glowing blue into his chest.

As he continued to struggle, I whispered, "Come on Scott. You're an alpha."

Scott finally found the strength and ripped his claws out of his chest. He put the guy to the ground. "I don't know who you are or what you thought you were going to do, but I'll give you a choice. You can stay and I'll break something else, or run."

"I'd run," Stiles warned him.

I changed back into my normal self, my face becoming more noticeable. The guy runs away and I walk up to all of them.

"Kayla," Stiles is the first to take notice of me, giving me a big hug.

Malia was next, her giving me a very tight hug. "Hey Liam, I'm Kayla and you're freaking adorable."

Liam blushed and scratched the back of his head. "Everyone says that."

I knew then and there that Liam and I would have a very good friendship. I also gave Kira a hug, and then was Scott. He smiled softly before hugging me like there was no tomorrow.

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