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The next morning I had a horrifying realization that I hadn't learned the Queen's name. The Queen and Emory had stayed in my room until it was clear I couldn't take another bite. They called Clory in and bid me goodnight.

I knew Clory had said something that first night but I couldn't remember. I wasn't sure how the rules and social expectations were going to affect my situation. I felt silly but had to ask.

"I hadn't thought of that, my Lady." She stammered flustered as I was at the things we both expected I know then had to remember that I didn't. "I'm sorry. Her name is Emmeline. I've never called her by name."

Eric the chirurgeon came to check on my condition soon after. He wasn't a tall man but he wasn't short either; lanky and ordinary. He wore an overlarge brown tunic that hung all the way past his knees with a belt loosened around his waist. The sleeves weren't long enough to reach his hands and there was a wool undershirt that stuck out.

He had red wispy hair that he hadn't bothered to comb. It looked as if he cut it himself, with a knife I'd have guessed, and not with the aid of a mirror. I thought he might be a little mad, he would mumble to himself and write on a piece of parchment he had secured to a tablet. His thoughts seemed to be neither here nor anywhere else.

He felt for my pulse at my neck and wrists. Saying things like 'bird boned' and 'cognitive' to the point I was getting rather offended. He held the back of his hand to my forehead for a long enough time I was starting to feel awkward and impatient.

He made me open my mouth and stick out my tongue while he searched the inside of my mouth and back of my throat. He was much too close as I glared at the ceiling, annoyed at his persistent inspection. He stuck his finger back in my throat without warning and I gagged. He stepped away nodding as if I'd answered a question correctly and made another notation on his pad.

I shot him a dark look which had Clory stifling a laugh as she hid behind him.

"How much food has she eaten?" He was diplomatic with all his questions.

My eyes flashed. I was not cattle who couldn't respond for myself. Clory pressed her lips together.

"I," I snapped at him. "Ate a bowl and a half of stew, one beef broth, the other a chicken with dumplings. There was bread and water. I had three glasses. This morning I had to wait for you." I made sure the last sentence expressed my annoyance with him but he didn't seem to notice. Or care.

I was starving. My stomach was rumbling and it was making me irritable. Eric the chirurgeon was only adding to my short-temperedness.

"What about her urine?" He asked Clory again instead of me.

I hissed as I inhaled. My shoulders tightened at his insensitive demeanor. "I had to use the privy this morning. It was fine." My tone short and clipped.

He actually turned to address me this time. "How do you know? Do you know what to look for?"

"Well, it wasn't peculiar." I fired back not even bothering to hide my disdain though Eric didn't notice.

If I hadn't been so affronted by Eric's disregard towards me I may have heard the footsteps. I was trying to resist the urge to grab the man's writing tablet out of his hands and throw it across the room into the fire.

Emory was standing in the door way, watching the exchange. He smirked leaning against the door frame and crossed his ankles.

Clory had given away his presence. She was still standing by the windows behind Eric when she shifted towards the door to give a curtsy. I turned glaring at Emory. King Theodrid had subjected me to this mortifying treatment but I held his son as much to blame.

Eric nodded towards Emory in recognition. He made another note on his sheet and then turned back to Clory. "Any fits or tantrums?"

I gritted my teeth together. "There's about to be." I snarled.

Emory decided it was time to step in. Either to prevent me from getting out of bed or as an effort to protect Eric from me I wasn't sure. Probably both.

I was grabbing the blanket about to stand up and order Eric out of my room if I had to push him out myself.

Emory walked over to Eric and ushered him towards the door for me not even trying to conceal his laughter. "My father would like to hear your thoughts regarding her care, Eric."

"She will need to stay in bed for at least a week. Her diet should consist of liquids and soft foods, nothing hard to digest. I would keep the fires going to make sure any lasting fever has gone." He stepped out into the hall where I couldn't see him anymore and added. "Maybe tea, Chamomile for her nerves. She appears to still be under some distress."

"Distress!" I could hear my own indignation. "I'll show you distress." As if the man, himself, wasn't the cause of my distress.

"I will see that everything is well in hand. Thank you, Eric." Emory responded not looking over at me though the corner of his lip was twitching. Emory stepped back into the room and closed the door.

"Please, tell me I will never have to see the likes of that man again." I pointed my finger at the wall in the direction Eric had left. "I can't promise he will leave here without that quill shoved up his,"

I didn't get to finish my threat before Clory squeaked. Emory barked out a laugh that filled the room walking around the bed and perched a hip on the side near my knee.

"Eric does tend to bring that out in people." Out of habit he adjusted his sword belt so the handle wouldn't dig into his ribs.

I was still fuming but Emory was easing my rile. "He kept asking Clory questions as if I was some birthing mare." I slapped the bedspread. "Incapable of understanding or responding to him in any way."

Emory chuckled. I squinted my eyes at him. "You are not allowed to laugh at me." I tried to mean it but there was humor in my tone. "I am holding you personally responsible for my ridicule at the hands of that abominable man."

He didn't seem worried about it. "I will take full responsibility." He grinned at me. "Although, I dare say, you handled him better than most."

I felt a rush of pride at his compliment. I had conflicted opinions about his attentions. His delight in my reactions both irked me and pleased me. His smirk annoyed me because I didn't like knowing he could read me so well. At the same time I found myself seeking it out. Saying things I knew would amuse him and watching his face for that trace of a grin. It was confusing.

I was sitting up in bed but still under the covers up to my waist. I'd bent my knee so my foot tucked against my other knee. He reached out a hand over the comforter and rested it where my ankle was, rubbing the tension out of the tendon at the bottom of my calf with his thumb.

"Eric is a brilliant chirurgeon but what he has in intelligence he lacks in manors. He's always been a bit socially impaired." He added though he didn't seem to be trying to shine a bright light on the chirurgeon.

"A bit?"

Emory's lip twitched. "Father tolerates it, somewhat fondly, because the man is a medical genius. He's years ahead of any other chirurgeon out there."

"Regardless." I wiggled my nose at him. "I don't like him, no matter how smart he is."


Let me know what ya'll think so far. I have gone through the entire novel front to back with editing and grammar tools. However there still may be errors. Hopefully not. The new edition in full is available as an Ebook through many providers, including Amazon, Kindle, Nook, Barnes and Noble, Ibooks, Kobo, 24symbols, Page Foundry, Scribd and Tolino.

Paperbook coming soon. ;)

Book two of the Crimes Against The Crown series will be available soon as well. Keep a look out Eye of The Storm will be available on all sites as well for preorder and I'll announce the release date soon. Thank you all again. Now I need to return to writing.

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NJ Kuhr


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