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A little shorter than I usually post but I felt this moment needed to happen. This is Melborn!!! Oh, how I hate him. 

Happy Reading.

NJ Kuhr


We were gentle with each other that night, taking our time. We had plenty to make up for when he returned but that evening was a slow easy coupling that left us both sated and happy. Mumbling I love you's as we drifted off to sleep only to wake up in the morning and continue as if we hadn't stopped. Emory coaxing a deep flowing orgasm from me as our bodies swayed back and forth.

We got dressed and meet everyone down in the Great Hall for an early breakfast. The excitement was building up as soon as we left the Keep. Emory was smiling by the time we made it to the table. Warin was already there grinning his toothy grin. Emmeline and I shared a glance of mutual anxiety. We put smiles on our faces though, and supported our men. Then we stood at the gate giving them farewell kisses.

Emory set his forehead against mine staring down at me while the men waited. It would be the first time we were apart since that night of the blizzard. The first morning we would wake up without seeing each other's faces. The men would not begrudge us our moment, not in Cynthera. Not when they valued love as much as faith and honor, somewhat even more. Their Prince had found his and they would not negate it.

"Watch your neck?" I tightened my eyes at him, his nose flush with mine so he felt when I wrinkled it in emphasis.

"I will." He promised not needing to tilt his jaw to kiss me. "I'm coming home to you. My Colette." I pulled him down to take his lip into mine for the last time.

"I love you." He said loud enough the men standing closest to us could hear him.

"I love you." I said stepping back so he could swing up into the saddle. I pulled down hard on the straps to test the rigging even though I knew it was sound. I squeezed his hand and let him go.

I grabbed Emmeline's hand as we watched them ride out the gate. It was going to be a very long couple of weeks.

"How do you do it? How do you watch them leave every year?" I hadn't turned towards her, both of us watching the road though we could no longer see our men.

"With difficulty. It never gets any easier." She repeated Theodrid's words.

Emmeline was gracious. She kept me company and made sure we stayed busy. We spent a good deal of our days cleaning the Keep within an inch of its life. We took the entire kitchen apart, scrubbed down and put back together. We had each of the seven ovens cleaned out and their chimneys polished till they shinned. The stores pulled so the rooms could be scrubbed clean. Everything washed and put back in its place.

I was out in the Great Hall counting supplies from the kitchens placed on the tables. Everyone else was busy cleaning and gutting the chimneys so I was alone. I enjoyed this work, I was good with numbers and it kept me from thinking about sleeping alone.

"What a rare moment, Lady Colette without an entourage."

The hairs on my arms raised and I felt ice in my veins.

"Lord Melborn. I assumed you would have ridden out with the King." I turned to face him getting out of my chair so I wasn't trapped.

"No, unfortunately not. I must return to the city of Melborn to tend to my own affairs. Had I known you would be left unattended I would have made other arrangements." He confessed and felt my stomach clinch.

Calm Before The Storm: Crimes Against The Crown book 1Where stories live. Discover now