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A little over a week of bed rest and I woke earlier than normal. I still had a slight fever in my sleep most nights so Clory helped me clean the sweat off my skin. I felt better than I had yesterday. I would say I felt better than I ever have but I didn't know if that was true. All I knew was I hadn't felt as tired or weak since that first day.

A gown of soft amber with capped sleeves and stays that laced down my back was waiting for me. It was still too big but I didn't mind. I knew I would gain my strength back and would fit into the gowns. This one was loose enough it didn't look horrible. It was a smock dress instead of the immaculate gowns the Queen wore.

Clory decorated my hair in an elaborate coif and embellished it with matching pins. She set one last curl into place. My dark brown locks curled in grand profusion to the delight of Clory. I had ample time to consider my own appearance. We were moved into what would be my suite during the duration of my stay.

There was a large bed but with a white frame instead of the dark wood. The comforter was a beautiful blue on white brocade that I couldn't help but run my fingers along. In the back corner was a matching white wardrobe that held a full length mirror.

There were larger windows in this room with matching white on blue curtains. A sofa was set underneath. It was the first thing I did when I walked in went straight to the windows and opened the shutters. Pleased to discover they looked out to the sea.

I'd been caught staring out the window a few times. I would get scolded but not enough to stop me, my fondness for the ocean was worth it. When they selected my rooms they gave me one that faced the harbor.

I expected every room in the Keep had a large fireplace. This one was in the corner. There was a washroom off to the side which is where I sat at the vanity contemplating my reflection.

My hair had a thickness and volume at the roots. Clory claimed made it easier to keep my hair in the elegant style meant for court. It laid high and full atop my head, with a single curl left to hang over my shoulder.

I had dark full eyebrows that arched to a point. Tapering off at the ends they left me with a natural inscrutable look as long as I didn't give away my thoughts.

Clory told me when I had first arrived my lips were so chapped from the sea and the sun they were bleeding. The chirurgeon had left her with an ointment she'd used on my skin and lips. They'd healed without leaving scars but the red tint proved to be natural. I had blue eyes which I wasn't expecting, though they were a deeper blue than Emory's. Where his were sky blue mine look like the sea during a storm with a darker rim of blue on the outside.

My eyelashes were thick and black as onyx though not as long as Emory's or his mothers. Theirs had danced like feathers on their brows.

I was still too thin. My cheek bones stood out in the light and my collar bone showed how deep my shoulders were sunken in with deep shadows on either side. Clory said it was an improvement. It didn't make me feel much better.

My coloring had improved but I still thought myself a little pale. My skin promised to turn a warm olive. My arms looked weak and frail where the sleeves of my gown hung. They should have fit snug along my upper arms. The bodice dipped over my breast where the fabric should have pulled tight. Clory had tied the stays as much as she could have. There was no way to see the shape of my stomach or my waist in the folds of the dress. I was a column of fabric with no form.

Taking a deep breath in I reminded myself it was only temporary. With a steady diet and rest as well as activities I would gain back my figure. Whatever figure I would gain back it had to be better than this.

Clory escorted me back through the bedroom and into the adjacent parlor room. She informed me that I could entertain guest in that room if I was ever inclined to invite anyone over for a fete. I told her that sounded delightful but didn't remind her that I didn't know anyone to invite. Then she escorted me through the Keep towards the dining hall.

Calm Before The Storm: Crimes Against The Crown book 1Where stories live. Discover now