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Sorry for the delay in posting. I had a trip to LA to visit a friend while he did a reading at The Last Book Store. It was amazing. Unfortunately, I am still having problems following people on wattpad. I usually follow everyone who follows me so if I haven't followed you it's not because I don't want to. I've used three different devices and redownloaded my wattpad app and it's still not letting me follow people. Ugh. 

Happy Reading. 

NJ Kuhr


That's how the days continued. Emmeline and I would eat most of our meals with only the two of us. The rest of the time went to removing each and every hint of filth from the entire grounds.

The stables with so few horses had the same level of attention as we had showed the kitchens. We removed every stray piece of straw. The ground was then tilled up and shoveled out so the ground was fresh. The rafters dusted. If there were any rotting planks they replaced them. Each latch oiled and every gate leveled and secured so they swung without noise.

Another day we attacked the garrison with soap and brooms with the same tenacity. It wasn't as bad as I had predicted. These men had been in the service for many years, most of them had fathers that served and came from a long line. There was a sense of dignity in being a member of the King's Guard. They had taken care of their own housing with respect and esteem. Men were still men and it had been a long winter. Emmeline and I came with an army. We polished the garrison with the same efficiency that we had given to every other aspect of the grounds.

The game room stripped of its hunting mounts to have them washed, cleaned and rehung. They took down the large tapestry in the Welcoming Chamber, sent it to be laundered. I tried not to blush thinking of the things Emory and I had done against that tapestry. I smiled to myself thinking we were just going to have come back and claim it again. Christen the tapestry as ours since it was where our affair had started. I was a little saddened at the thought that they washed away the traces of that night. I had no idea how I was going to explain why I wanted them to leave it alone. They took it away.

The ballroom floor treated and polished with a varnish. The tailor's salon rearranged. Each bolt of fabric rolled and the colors in order. Emmeline and I spent an entire evening organizing the books in the library. Text of the same subject kept together; similar languages on one shelf, novels on another. Every window in the Keep thrown open, washed inside and out. The furniture glossed. The stairs were gleaming. Every inch of wood treated and oiled. By the fifth day the entire campus looked as if it had just been built.

Emmeline invited some ladies from the city for a fete in the Keep one afternoon. Anne was there as well as Margo. Clory and Amelia would be attending as guest instead of ladies-in-waiting. She sent an invite to Lady Sara though I hadn't met her yet. Commander Rupert wasn't married but Lady Isolde was the mother of his three children. Lady Medea was coming though her friend Lady Danielle was unable to accept.

The nine of us met in Queen Emmeline's parlor. It was a soft room. The furniture was a light pale green with lilac and cream cushions and pillows. There was a small fire going just enough to stay off the late chill that settled after dark. Tea and watered wine was on the center table with a selection of cheese and pastry's.

I had come in late when everyone was already settled. Anne stood up to give me a hug but I rushed to stop her. She had gotten huge and she was lifting herself up by the belly before I was able to get her to settle back down. I leaned to her so I could kiss her cheek.

Anne had light fawn hair that was usually wavy but the pregnancy was giving it a disorderly curl. She had warm brown eyes and her skin was a lighter shade than my own. Her face was fuller from the pregnancy, though she still looked beautiful. She had a simple beauty to her that I thought only deepened by her friendly temperament and kindness.

Calm Before The Storm: Crimes Against The Crown book 1Where stories live. Discover now